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Meraki Netscan Filters
Hi, We have an issue with Netscan for Meraki where the meraki.tags filter does not seem to be honoured If we have a device tagged "Production" and we add a filter for meraki.tags Production it appears to pick this up, however if it has multiple tags it no longer works. I cannot seem to figure out the correct filter to get this to work, has anyone had any joy with this and can point me in the right direction. I have tried equal, contain, regexmatch and none seem to work correctly. Many Thanks KieranSolvedKieran12 hours agoNeophyte65Views1like4CommentsDoes anyone have a Module just to check if SNMP is working at all?
Hi, We have a lot of times where a server will stop responding to SNMP checks for whatever reason. That will generally turn CPU, File System, Uptime, etc all to No Data responses. We generally have No Datas set to Not generate alerts so we don't get spammed with things. However, if snmp really does stop working, we'd want to know that so we can go fix whatever the problem is. We currently have Host Uptime set to generate an alert on No Data, but it usually gets ignored because people think it's because something got rebooted recently or something. So, I want to setup a check that just does the most basic snmp check it can, something that every device should respond to, and can then alert if it doesn't get a response. I looked in the Repository and didn't see anything official from LM for this, but did see a community created Module that might work. It's called SNMP_Troubleshooter and there are two of them for some reason. The older one has a newer version # which is a bit odd. Anyway, all it does i: import com.santaba.agent.groovyapi.snmp.Snmp; def host = hostProps.get('system.hostname'); try{ oid_value = Snmp.get(host, "."); println "snmpStatus=0"; } catch (e){ println "snmpStatus=1" } return 0 Does anyone else this, or something similar, to find machine where snmp is dead? I see this person also has an WMI version as well which would be great for when WMI dies as well. Thanks.Kelemvor20 hours agoExpert101Views1like2CommentsHalo PSA - Integration
Hi, we are currently moving away from AutoTask into HaloPSA. We've been given the instructions from the vendor however, if we follow these instructions the ticket information won't be passed back to LM and auto closing of alerts could potentially fail. Has anyone had success using JSON to integrate or do we need to fall back to XML despite instructions from Halo.zebedee2 days agoNeophyte54Views0likes0CommentsLogUsage data source
Hello, We are having all our devices sending syslog to LM collector. Via LogUsage data source, we can monitor if the device sends syslog data or no. But the threshold to alarm on that is only 60 minutes. We would like to make the threshold longer like 1 or 2 days because some devices are quieter than others, and we want to control if we missed to configure syslog on one of the devices or it doesn't send syslog anymore due to any reason. So, i contacted LM support, they said it would be custom datasource. Any help with how to achieve that?omarhegazy5 days agoNeophyte97Views0likes3CommentsLM Tokens can they be broken down
Hi, We have a ServiceNow integration and use the ##EXTERNALTICKETID## in our alerts views and dashboards. However I believe tokens are clunky and not particularly granular. For example ##EXTERNALTICKETID## also contains the integration name as part of the token. Something we do not want all we need is the TicketId as per the JSON payload. In addition it is not possible to rename the column header is alerts and dashboards. This makes look untidy. Would it be possible to have something like: ##EXTERNALTICKETID.TICKET## with the ability to have a DISPLAYNAME option ##EXTERNALTICKETID.INTEGRATION##with the ability to have a DISPLAYNAME optionphakesley6 days agoNeophyte52Views4likes4CommentsCollector Device Name should be a Hyperlink but isnt
I have a collector, that is up and functioning normally, on my Collectors page, and as we always do, it monitors itself. I can get to the resource by searching for it in the Resource tree, I can see the resource lists itself as the collector with the right collector number. The IP on the resource matches the IP of the collector when I log into the collector itself. So everything seems fine. BUT on the Collectors page (UIv3) where you have Status, ID, Device Name, Description, Version, Manage, Logs, SDT, Resoruces, etc .... the Device Name is supposed to be a blue Hyperlink, same as it is for every other collector we have. I cant figure out what little tricky thing is making this link not work. I feel like I may have asked here or somewhere before. What are the requirements for that collector to have the Device link to its own resource? It is for sure monitoring itself. Thanks!SolvedLewis_Beard6 days agoExpert115Views1like4CommentsDo widget expressions support if/then value substitution?
A user has a need to treat zero values on some jitter graphs as if they were NULL, and not roll up into some averages on a widget. I know that I can add a complex datapoint to the datasource, or clone the datasource and add a complex datapoint separately. Or I could declare the range of valid results to exclude zero in the datapoint on such a datasource. But I really dont want to maintain a datasource (new or changed). Can widget expressions do thing like seeing a non-display variable to an expression that is if/then/else, instead of just math? Something logically equivalent to: if (AvgSDJ <> 0) {return AvgSDJ;} else {return NULL;}. NewAvgSDJ = NULLIF(AvgSDJ, 0) Or perhaps there is some strictly mathematical way to do it? I really dont want to alter an official datasource or maintain a clone, but I need to get a solution. Thanks!SolvedLewis_Beard8 days agoExpert98Views1like9CommentsAlert Trends (Counts) by LogicModule/Datapoint?
A user asked me if there is a way to know how many alert happened over a given time period, broken down (or rolled up) by counts, based on LogicModule, or even LogicModule/Datapoint? For example, he would want to see that in folder Customers/Region1/ that there were 47 ping alerts, 32 host down, 17 ssl cert alerts, 4 file system alerts, etc etc, with the counts by each one based on the time period selected. The Alert Trends report will show alerts per folder or some similar very basic rollup, and I can make an alerts report and pick a specific logicmodule to see the counts for just that logicmodule. But I dont really see a way to do it. I think the user would even be OK if it were possible to do counts on the Alerts page. Maybe there is some ticky way to do it by the Resource Explorer, that only occurred to me as I'm typing this. I guess I will check. But is there any way to get a breakdown, or counts, of alerts by type? Preferably in a report, but on a live page like Alerts page or Resource Explorer would be fine. Thanks!Lewis_Beard8 days agoExpert111Views0likes4CommentsDisable Alerting by Instance at Resource Group Level?
I think the answer is "no" here but I promised someone I would ask. There is some Microsoft update coming that is apparently about to break one Automatic Services instance and make them all start alerting, "System Guard Runtime Monitor Broker". At least that is what I'm told. I know I could make an alert rule to scoop that guy out and send it nowhere, but the user really wants to do the equivalent of toggling alerting off on all those instances manually, so that the alert doesnt show in the UI either. (Apparently the service will still be in the services list in Windows so LM wont delete the instance). I checked the Resources Folder in the UI, both UIv3 and also UIv4 (sigh). I dont see options, and I know a couple of years ago, I had asked around and got similar answers. There is no instance column or anything where you can put an expression or anything. But hey, I figured I would ask. Thanks in advance, either way.Lewis_Beard8 days agoExpert104Views1like2CommentsInfluence the GPU-monitoring future at LM - Product Mgmt call for your GPU needs/use cases
Influence the GPU-monitoring offerings and features at LogicMonitor… by sharing your needs and use cases. Help LM Product Management hone its GPU-monitoring roadmap by contacting Craig Phelps at to set up a discussion. Please include contact info for additional GPU-savvy contacts from your organization, if applicable.530Views6likes0Comments