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Non-Administrator Users Unable To Manage Resource Threshold
Hello, Can someone please help with a simple question. How can I enable a user to manage Alert Thresholds at the resource level without granting them the Administrator Role? We attempted to create a Role Group and selected the Manage option for a specific resource, but encountered a "Permission Denied" error. Additionally, we tried configuring the Role Group by going to Settings > Alert Settings and checking all the boxes, but still received a "Permission Denied" error when attempting to save the threshold. Getting error upon saving the threshold "Permission Denied". Any guidance on resolving this would be greatly appreciated. Thanks AshishSolvedasikarwar6 days agoNeophyte189Views2likes6CommentsISP network monitoring
Hello, i have a question about monitoring tool for unifi networks, does it also support a way to monitor the ISP connection by means of a ping as in ptrg, i would like to monitor our location on the internet connection if it is down this should be visible, and we use 100% unifi. ty alexalexD6 days agoNeophyte111Views1like1CommentDoes anyone monitor their iDracs with LM? Tons of duplicate alerts
Hi, I just added some of our iDracs into LM. While the monitoring seems to be working fine, the alerting systems seems a bit wacky. I have a server with a bad CMOS battery. This causes me to get 4 alerts from LM for the iDrac: The 3rd one is for the battery. The other three are "System" alerts that will seemingly alert any time anything has a problem. This seems like any time something has a problem, I'll get 4 alerts. I don't want that. ;) I'm wondering if I should just disable all the "System" and "Chassis" alerts so I just get the alerts for the actual component that's having the problem. Anyone else run into this? Thanks.Kelemvor6 days agoExpert54Views1like3CommentsCIM vs. WMI as native 'Source type
Has anyone heard if LM has any plans in place to make the move from WMI to CIM for metrics grabs in general and Windows in specific? days agoProfessor182Views1like2CommentsIdeas for devices generating a lot of alerts
I'm looking to be more proactive about the alerts occurring in my portal. I was hoping to create some logic where if a device generates a certain number of warnings over the course of seven days, generate an error alert. Then if say 3 errors generate over a seven day period, generate a critical alert for this. A way to bubble up alerts so to speak, so I can focus on devices generating more than a normal amount of alerts and begin to determine whats causing the issues. The only idea I came across was creating a script to run an API query for the devices alert history to use, but the issue with this is that the alert will not clear for seven days since it's using the last seven days of alert history. Any ideas how this could be created?DanN12 days agoNeophyte163Views0likes4Commentscomplex Datapoint that shows max Value
Hi all I'd like to create a complex Datapoint that shows the maximum value of a simple Datapoint of the last 24h. Example: Simple datapoint x polls data every 2 min. I now want a complex datapoint that shows the max value of datapoint x from the last 24h. Is there a way to achieve this? Regardsprolannic4 days agoNeophyte181Views1like4CommentsCollectors and TCP Ephemeral ports exhaustion detection
Lately, we started experiencing this nasty issue with our collectors, whereby the collector runs out of all available ephemeral ports. When that happens all communication basically grinds to a halt including DNS lookup, domain authentication, WMI outbound calls (meaning there will be NO collection for Windows servers), etc, etc... Usually when this happens I see hundreds of Warn - XXXXXX System Uptime SystemUpTime No Data alerts filling up my inbox, since I configured for No Data alert. Fix - albeit temporary, is to reboot the collector, and thus immediately reclaim the resources. Now, while the subject of why this is happening is very important and something I am definitely looking into and doing bunch of research with and without vendor support, my question today is more practical. What can be done to monitor and "forecast", if you will, that your collector is about to go dead because you ran out of TCP ports? I mean I can look at TCP stats DataSource collection values and monitor Connections, TCP Failed Connections, Segments per seconds all of these are fine to monitor but they don't tell me something is about to happen as their values skyrocket AFTER the fact. Similarly, there is hundreds of metrics under Collector DataSources but I am at loss which one(s) to look at and set alerts on. Is there something, like running netstat, looking at number of handles per process in Task Manager, or runnig some command which I can scipt and programmatically capture output that speaks to the issue at hand?mmatec0113 days agoNeophyte126Views1like2CommentsWhich property source sets system.collector?
I realized I have several windows collectors that have system.collector set to false for some reason, and I cant figure out why. Because they are definitely collectors. I hate to ask such a basic question but does anyone know which PropertySource sets that? I looked through the Device_BasicInfo code, and I didnt see it. Maybe I missed it. Maybe its upstream from Device_BasicInfo, because I do see Device_BasicInfo referring to some other system properties as part of its logic, from the host properties. I need to figure out why I have a bunch of collectors, in my collector section, that monitor themselves, have valid links to themselves in the resource tree, but on the resource tree, system.collector is false. But on some it is true. Thanks!SolvedLewis_Beard13 days agoExpert51Views3likes4CommentsDevops metrics monitoring in Lm
Hi We are looking to see if Lm can monitor devops metrics like these Environment utilization Number of deployments per environment Deployment Frequency Number of pipeline executions Deployment Speed time it takes to deploy code changes after they are approved to go let us know if anyone has implemented thesenvnbsinfy14 days agoNeophyte424Views5likes5Comments