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Monitor ConnectWise Integration Errors
We are having a sporadic issue with integration errors that is causing failures when trying to make tickets in ConnectWise Manage and are looking for a way to monitor the integration errors and send an email to our team upon failures. I cannot seem to find any way of monitoring the integration. Anyone else having similar errors and if so how have you handled it?dnull4 days agoNeophyte17Views1like3CommentsDifferent options for "Delete Instances..."
Recently had this discussion with a customer and it was brought to my attention to raise a feature request for this. Customer is requesting that there are more than two options for deleting instances in a module. Instead of "delete immediately" or "delete after 30 days", they are suggesting a few more options such as "delete after 7 days" or "delete after 14 days".elisa_olivieri18 days agoLM Conqueror43Views3likes4CommentsA method to identify that a Datasource has been executed via "Poll Now" rather than standard collection, to allow additional info to be displayed conditionally.
Its a common requirement to display additional info to help investigate the root cause of an alert which it may not be possible to display in a datasource (i.e alpha data)or too "expensive" to gather each and every collection regardless. If a datasource had some mechanism to determine that it had been called via "Poll Now" , then it could be used to perform additional logic that wouldn't be executed during a "normal" collection.21Views4likes5CommentsDashboard Filtering Using Instance Properties
Recently I came up with a way to attach custom properties to instances created by the Cisco DNAC Devices DataSource. I was able to separate the locations of our devices based on our naming scheme of the device into 4 different categories and I was hoping to use these and apply them using the dashboard dynamic filters, only to see that I am limited to resource properties only. I’m aware that by making an instance group we could determine what kind overview graphs we see, but when we have hundreds of buildings, it becomes a heavy task to list all those groups and filter through thousands of switches.dmb26926 days agoNeophyte17Views2likes0CommentsUIv4 Chat Icon covers critical page elements
When popping out a support chat, the Chat icon is positioned in a way that prevents a user from saving or cancelling the page element they are on. Specifically this was noticed when I was trying to add a resource. I've added a screenshot for reference. Also, why can't we add screenshots to a feature request form? This would be a much easier way to show the issues that we are facing rather than a simple text field.SolvedTmobile31 days agoNeophyte70Views2likes8CommentsUptime Availability Reports Filtered By Location
A feature request that has been raised to my attention is the option for consolidating resources to be displayed as a whole, per location, for data purposes. For example, having devices at the same location that will display the total uptime for that site.elisa_olivieri2 months agoLM Conqueror61Views6likes3CommentsMultiple API Request Actions per Event/Status Change
I have come across this issue a few times now, and feel it's worth bringing up. A major roadblock to making our integrations (with major platforms like ConnectWise) work the way we want them to is the limitation of only being able to make a single API request per event/status change/etc. One example - we want to be able to insert the "Acknowledged" noteswhen an alert (or several) are ack'ed inLogicMonitor as a service note to the corresponding tickets in ConnectWise AND update the status of the ConnectWise ticket to 'In progress'. That requires 2 API calls:one (which is the default for your builtinConnectWise integration) to update the ticket priority/status/etc (HTTP PATCH ->https://{connectwiseSite}/v4_6_release/apis/3.0/service/tickets/{id}) and another to add a note to the ticket (HTTP POST ->https://{connectwiseSite}/v4_6_release/apis/3.0/service/tickets/{id}/notes). Another example - our RMM tool does not support the usual API Key method of authentication. It requires that one go through a slightly obtuse algorithm to send credentials,save a generated session token that is returned as part of the response body, and then submit that session token in the headers of future requestsas a bearer token. I don't want to just leave these sessions open all the time, even though all traffic is submitted through HTTPS, the session token grants access as the API user from anywhere. So without going bonkers in complexity and asking for the world - it would be good enough to just beable to execute multiple API requests : 1 - Authenticate and save part of the response body, 2 - Submit one or more requests using the session token, 3 - Logout. We /really/ need the ability to get information from LM into ConnectWise and other platforms to make this solution shine.29Views1like5CommentsAllow us to create separate default settings for Internal vs External Website checks
Hi, When viewing a website, there is a button on the top right called Website Defaults. Clicking this button brings up a screen where I can enter the default settings I want my websites to use. These settings are displayed in two tabs. Website Checks and Internal Website Checks. The screen looks as thought I can set defaults for External Checks and then set defaults for Internal checks separately. However, this is not the case. If I set the settings how I want for the External checks, and then I go set different settings for Internal checks, those settings overwrite the External check settings. Even though the settings are shown in separate tabs, they use the same settings for both. My specific use case is that I want External checks to create Critical alerts since it means our public sites are down. I want internal checks to create Error alerts because it's just something inside the network having an issue but may not be affecting the public sites. There is currently no way to do this which means I have to pick one set of default settings to use, and then set all the other sites manually. Thanks.38Views7likes2CommentsCreate a LogicModule status alert
Release notes have been including notice about deprecated logicmodules and indicated replacements for a while and this is great. I would like to request that consideration be given to what I think would be even better. A few ideas: the current way that replacement modules are presented in the Release Notes (side by side columns limited by screen real estate and page layout) can make it tedious to conclusively determine which module is the replacement since often the text of names wraps to additional lines. So finding some way change to change this presentation that shows an unequivocal 1:1 relationship between a deprecated module and its replacement would be awesome. If you navigate to MyToolbox and select a module, the bottom half of the screen opens with details about this module. There is a tag present that says "In Use". Maybe another tag could be created that says "Deprecated" and clicking on it takes you to the replacement module? In the reverse direction, if you navigate to the Exchange and select a module, maybe there could be a "Replacement For" tag, that if clicked upon takes you to the module/s that it replaces? What about if there was some way to create an OOB filter & Saved/Favorite view in My Toolbox that presents a list of deprecated modules, each with a clear mechanism that matches it to its replacement? Find some way to generate an alert (probably even with its own icon/color to give it maximum distinction in the Alerts Tab/table) when a module's status changes to 'deprecated' and have the alert message text includes exact replacement module details (Origin ID?) Maybe an OOB dashboard with a widget that dynamically populates a table when a Logicmodule in My Toolbox status changes to "deprecated" and includes its replacement?89Views4likes8Comments