AutoProperties for Cloud resources
I need to be able to create AutoProperties on Cloud Resources, which don’t require interacting with the Cloud Resource itself. This pageindicates that you cannot apply AutoProperties to cloud devices unless monitoring is enabled via a local Collector. Could this requirement be relaxed?71Views18likes6CommentsUpdates to modules showing in repo but not modules toolbox
Why would this be? There were 5 updates to aws_billing_* modules today, but they only show up when i use the traditional repo update option. No combination of filters could show those in the module toolbox, except by clearing all filters and just searching by name. Even then, once found by name, they showed already up to date. In addition, when trying to make a filter to show them, i was frustrated (once again) that the filters are filtering by values we cannot see: The “Customized” field isn’t displayable on the table at all, or if it is, it’s displayed as an icon in the status column. However, the dropdown for the filter is not an icon, it’s text. The status column shows an icon, but the filter values are text. Which icon corresponds to which text? For these 5 modules, the “Support” column was blank, even though these modules come from LM so should be “official”? How can you filter by “Support” == null? It’s all very Duolingo: make mistakes and wander your way through until you figure it out?207Views33likes16CommentsLogicModule development: script editor line numbers
Great news! LogicMonitor is finally adding line numbers to the groovyscript editor. Only joking. It’s STILL rubbish and there are no plans to fix it. When pairing LogicModule development I STILL have to say “up about 6 lines”, “no not that line”and “down a bit” every few seconds.Solved128Views14likes11Comments