Property-based Windows service monitoring
I recently published CGYKT4. In this DataSource, a groovy script checks for the presence of the custom.MonitoredServices property. If the value is "SYN_Windows_Basic_Services" then the script replaces that with a hard-coded set of standard services. If custom.MonitoredServices contains any comma-spearated list of services, then the script just uses those. Finally, if custom.MonitoredServices contains "SYN_Windows_Basic_Services" and a comma-separated list of services, then the standard list of services is added to the values from the property. Once the list of services is determined, the script checks if those services exist on the target device. If so, an instance is created and the script generates an alert if the service is not running.12Views0likes2CommentsMore advanced methods of authentication for Website Checks
We would like to ability to easily authenticate into SaaS products where you have to enter a username and password and click the "Login" button or hit Enter. These days, it seems ADFS and SAML are becoming more popular and the vendors are just redirecting a login page straight to our own SSO site. So the website checks never trigger alerts because you can get to the SSO login page, but after that the application is broken which is really what we want to monitor. Is that something in the pipeline for website checks in LogicMonitor? If not, it would be great to see that. Maybe some way to identify the username, password fields on the page with the credentials stored in properties and the ability to define whether to click a Login button or submit an "Enter" key press.31Views0likes2CommentsWindows Services Check
I have found where I can monitor services for a device and have set up a test to monitor services on the windows device. Is there a way to set this as a datasource? That way I can do the AppliesTo scripting and have specific devices being monitored for specific services they are running? I have about 80 devices and configuring Service Alerts for each of them would take a bit of time, I'm trying to be more efficient.46Views2likes4CommentsJSONPath Expression Filter support for Web Service Checks
Support confirmed that currently JSONPath filter expressions are not supported in Web Services checks. So this is going to be JSONPath expressions that contain: ?() This functionality is supported by Device Datasources, so I can't imagine this is too difficult to implement for Services.18Views0likes1CommentPropertySource - Windows Services
WARNING - This propertysource pulls a list of all Windows services installed. This does not filter the services to only show running or auto-starting services. Useful for auditing, auto-grouping, and inventory. Example below Displays the a list of all installed Windows Services. auto.winservices [AeLookupSvc, ALG, AppIDSvc, Appinfo, AppMgmt, aspnet_state, AudioEndpointBuilder, AudioSrv, BESClient, BESClientHelper, BFE, BITS, Browser, CertPropSvc, clr_optimization_v2.0.50727_32, clr_optimization_v2.0.50727_64, clr_optimization_v4.0.30319_32, clr_optimization_v4.0.30319_64, COMSysApp, CryptSvc, DcomLaunch, defragsvc, Dhcp, DiagTrack, Dnscache, dot3svc, DPS, EapHost, EFS, eventlog, EventSystem, FCRegSvc, fdPHost, FDResPub, FontCache, FontCache3.0.0.0, gpsvc, hidserv, hkmsvc, idsvc, IEEtwCollectorService, IKEEXT, IPBusEnum, iphlpsvc, KeyIso, KtmRm, LanmanServer, LanmanWorkstation, lltdsvc, lmhosts, MMCSS, MpsSvc, MSDTC, MSiSCSI, msiserver, MSSQL$SVSSDB, MSSQLFDLauncher$SVSSDB, MSSQLServerADHelper100, napagent, Netlogon, Netman, NetMsmqActivator, NetPipeActivator, netprofm, NetTcpActivator, NetTcpPortSharing, NlaSvc, nsi, PerfHost, pla, PlugPlay, PolicyAgent, Power, ProfSvc, ProtectedStorage, RasAuto, RasMan, RemoteAccess, RemoteRegistry, RpcEptMapper, RpcLocator, RpcSs, RSoPProv, sacsvr, SamSs, SCardSvr, Schedule, SCPolicySvc, seclogon, SENS, SessionEnv, SharedAccess, ShellHWDetection, SNMPTRAP, Spooler, sppsvc, sppuinotify, SQLAgent$SVSSDB, SQLBrowser, SQLWriter, SSDPSRV, SstpSvc, swprv, TapiSrv, TermService, THREADORDER, TrkWks, TrustedInstaller, UI0Detect, UmRdpService, upnphost, UxSms, VaultSvc, vds, VGAuthService, VMTools, vmvss, VMware Physical Disk Helper Service, VSS, W32Time, WcsPlugInService, WdiServiceHost, WdiSystemHost, Wecsvc, wercplsupport, WerSvc, WinHttpAutoProxySvc, Winmgmt, WinRM, wmiApSrv, WPDBusEnum, WRSVC, wuauserv, wudfsvc] Z4LHDZ13Views3likes11Comments