9 years ago
PropertySource - Windows Services
WARNING - This propertysource pulls a list of all Windows services installed. This does not filter the services to only show running or auto-starting services. Useful for auditing, auto-grouping, and inventory. Example below
Displays the a list of all installed Windows Services.
auto.winservices | [AeLookupSvc, ALG, AppIDSvc, Appinfo, AppMgmt, aspnet_state, AudioEndpointBuilder, AudioSrv, BESClient, BESClientHelper, BFE, BITS, Browser, CertPropSvc, clr_optimization_v2.0.50727_32, clr_optimization_v2.0.50727_64, clr_optimization_v4.0.30319_32, clr_optimization_v4.0.30319_64, COMSysApp, CryptSvc, DcomLaunch, defragsvc, Dhcp, DiagTrack, Dnscache, dot3svc, DPS, EapHost, EFS, eventlog, EventSystem, FCRegSvc, fdPHost, FDResPub, FontCache, FontCache3.0.0.0, gpsvc, hidserv, hkmsvc, idsvc, IEEtwCollectorService, IKEEXT, IPBusEnum, iphlpsvc, KeyIso, KtmRm, LanmanServer, LanmanWorkstation, lltdsvc, lmhosts, MMCSS, MpsSvc, MSDTC, MSiSCSI, msiserver, MSSQL$SVSSDB, MSSQLFDLauncher$SVSSDB, MSSQLServerADHelper100, napagent, Netlogon, Netman, NetMsmqActivator, NetPipeActivator, netprofm, NetTcpActivator, NetTcpPortSharing, NlaSvc, nsi, PerfHost, pla, PlugPlay, PolicyAgent, Power, ProfSvc, ProtectedStorage, RasAuto, RasMan, RemoteAccess, RemoteRegistry, RpcEptMapper, RpcLocator, RpcSs, RSoPProv, sacsvr, SamSs, SCardSvr, Schedule, SCPolicySvc, seclogon, SENS, SessionEnv, SharedAccess, ShellHWDetection, SNMPTRAP, Spooler, sppsvc, sppuinotify, SQLAgent$SVSSDB, SQLBrowser, SQLWriter, SSDPSRV, SstpSvc, swprv, TapiSrv, TermService, THREADORDER, TrkWks, TrustedInstaller, UI0Detect, UmRdpService, upnphost, UxSms, VaultSvc, vds, VGAuthService, VMTools, vmvss, VMware Physical Disk Helper Service, VSS, W32Time, WcsPlugInService, WdiServiceHost, WdiSystemHost, Wecsvc, wercplsupport, WerSvc, WinHttpAutoProxySvc, Winmgmt, WinRM, wmiApSrv, WPDBusEnum, WRSVC, wuauserv, wudfsvc] |