Does anyone have any experience with monitoring Windows Processes?
I’ve checked the community for datasources and I don’t see anything to what I’m specifically looking for. Our organization currently utilizes the Microsoft_Windows_Services datasource (modified a little bit for our specific needs) to monitor services. I’m looking for something similar to monitor windows processes. Similar to the Microsoft_Windows_Services datasource, what I am hoping to accomplish is provide a list of keywords that will either match or be contained in the process name that I want to monitor, provide a list of machines that I want to monitor those processes on, and then get alerted on if those processes stop running. Some issues I am running into so far are: Win32_Process always returns a value of NULL for status and state. So I cannot monitor for those two class level properties. Powershell’s Get-Process does not return status or state, rather it just looks for processes that are actively running, so I would need to get creative in having LogicMonitor create the instance and what value to monitor in the instance. Some of the processes I want to monitor create multiple processes with the same name, and LogicMonitor then groups them all together into one instance, which makes monitoring diffucult. Some of the process I want to monitor are processes that only run if an application is manually launched, which means that again I will need to get creative in how I set up monitoring because I don’t want to get alerts when a process that I know shouldn’t be running is not running. Because the processes I am trying to monitor are not going to be common for everyone everywhere, something that other people could do to try to replicate my scenario would be: Open Chrome. When Chrome is launched, you will get a processed called “Chrome”. Now, open several other tabs of Chrome, you will just get more processes named “Chrome”. Now, keeping in mind the points I made earlier, set up monitoring to let you know when the 3rd tab in Chrome has been closed, even though the rest of the Chrome tabs are still open. How would you break that down? My first thought would be to monitor the PIDs, however, when you reboot your machine, your PIDs will likely change. Also, I don’t want to have the datasource wild value search by PID, because that would get confusing really fast once you have 2 or 3 different PIDs that you want to monitor. All suggestions are welcome, and any help is greatly appreciated. Bonus points if you can get this to work with the discovery method as Script and you use an embedded Groovy or Powershell script.Solved636Views12likes19CommentsCisco Umbrella Virtual Appliance Datasource and Proprtysource
Update: I jumped the gun… they aren’t out of security review yet… will update once they are... I have shared a datasource and propertysource I’ve created for monitoring the health of Cisco Umbrella Virtual Appliances in my environment. Thought they could help out other that might be using them as well.175Views12likes4CommentsSaaS platform monitoring using API or default integration if possible?
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Hi, I am trying to add an attribute for VM creation date on datasource: VMware_vSphere_VirtualMachinePerformance I tried to add below line in the Active Discovery script: 'auto.config.create_Date' : vmConfig?.createDate, But getting an error. Has anyone else already tried getting this property of the VM or knows a solution?218Views8likes0Comments