StatusPage.IO Monitoring
I have built a generic StatusPage.IO datasource to allow for monitoring the status of various services we use. Since so many companies are using, I figured it's a good idea to have a heads up in the event there is an outage with one of our many service providers. This has worked well as an early warning system for our service desk guys to know about issues before they start getting calls from end users. LogicMonitor actually uses StatusPage, but of course there are many, many others. Attached is a screenshot of the StatusPage data that we've collected from This datasource should be universal to any site. So far it has worked against every site I have tested it against. NYJG6J32Views2likes0CommentsDatasource for API Gateway Resources behind a stage
I have been using a custom datasource to collect the metrics for each resource and method (excluding OPTIONS) behind a API Gateway stage. It has been extremely useful in our production environments. I would share the datasource via the Exchange, but the discovery method I'm using will not be universal, so I think it would be best if that discovery were to work natively. If possible, could we please have a discovery method for AWS API Gateway Resources by Stage? *Something to note - This has the potential to discover quite a few resources and thus, create a substantial number of cloudwatch calls which might hit customer billing. For this reason, I added a custom property ##APIGW.stages## so that I could plug in the specific stages I wish to monitor instead of having each one automatically discovered. The Applies To looks like this: == "AWS/APIGateway" && apigw.stages Autodiscovery is currently written in PowerShell (hence why not everyone can take advantage of it) $apigwID = ''; $region = '' $stages = '##APIGW.Stages##'; $resources = Get-AGResourceList -RestApiId $apigwID -region $region $stages.split(' ') | %{ $stage = $_ $resources | %{ if($_.ResourceMethods) { $path = $_.Path $_.ResourceMethods.Keys | where{$_ -notmatch 'OPTIONS'} | %{ $wildvalue = "Stage=$stage>Resource=$Path>Method=$_" Write-Host "$wildvalue##${Stage}: $_ $Path######auto.stage=$stage" } } } }14Views0likes1Commentneed method to always update instance description even if filtered
I am not sure exactly how to describe this other than by example. We created an API-based method a while back to control alerting on interfaces based on the interface description. This arose because LM discovered interfaces that would come and go (e.g., laptop ports), and then would alarm about the port being down. With our change, those ports are labeled with a string that we examine to enable or disable alerting. The fly in the ointment is that if an up and monitored port went down due to some change, our clients think they should be able to change the description to influence behavior. Which they should. Unfortunately, because LM will not update the instance description due to the AD filter, the down condition is stuck until either the description is manually changed in LM or until the instance is manually removed in LM. Manual either way, very annoying. My proposal is that there should be a way to update the instance description even if the AD filter triggers. Or a second AD filter for updates to existing instances. I am sure there are gotchas here and perhaps a better way exists. I considered using a propertysource, but I don't think that applies here. The only other option is a fake DS using the API to refresh the descriptions, but then you have to replicate the behavior of many different datasources for interfaces.7Views1like1CommentAlert Message Token - Tokens for the individual warning, error, and critical thresholds
As I am sitting here, trying to explain to one of our internal partners, for what seems like the umpteenth time, on how to read an alert threshold expression from a ##THRESHOLD## token--it would be great if there were individual message tokens for each of the thresholds. Something like ##WARNINGTHRESHOLD##, ##ERRORTHRESHOLD##, and ##CRITICALTHRESHOLD## that should render the comparison operator and that respective threshold value, example--- Quote >= 20971520 This way, I can be more clear as to what this string of numbers actually mean in this type of fashion Quote Warning Threshold: ##DATAPOINT## ##WARNINGTHRESHOLD## Error Threshold: ##DATAPOINT## ##ERRORTHRESHOLD## Critical Threshold: ##DATAPOINT## ##CRITICALTHRESHOLD##11Views1like1CommentAlert Tuning for DataSource that has "Automatically Delete Instance" enabled?
I have a version of the "Oracle_DB_BlockedSessions" datasource template deployed and set an alert threshold on a complex datapoint that accounts for WAIT_TIME and SECONDS_IN_WAIT. Here is the complex datapoint expression for those curious--- if( eq(if(un(WAIT_TIME),0,WAIT_TIME), 0), if(un(SECONDS_IN_WAIT_RAW),0,SECONDS_IN_WAIT_RAW), 0) If the complex datapoint has a value over 300 seconds, an alert triggers with all the enriched instance-level autoProps from the Active Discovery script. All other aspects of this template mirror the gold-standard version--including enabling the "Automatically Delete Instance" option. Enter Client X, and they are comfortable with a threshold of 900 seconds. How can I set this custom threshold at a resource group for Client X when they don't currently have any blocking sessions? If I do manage to catch and set this Alert Tuning customization when Client X has a blocking session, will this alert tuning get wiped out when the DSIs are removed automatically? I suppose the Active Discovery script could be modified to always output a dummy instance... but that leaves an unpleasant taste in my mouth. Aside from cloning the datasource just for Client X, are there any other alternatives? And no, I do not want to alert off of the "Oracle_DB_BlockedSessionOverview" template because a it doesn't do a good job of discerning between one really long blocking session versus sequential and short-lived sessions that happen to exist at the time of the poll.19Views0likes3CommentsNative, non-REST API, Groovy helper class to add OpsNotes in a Datasource Definition.
The concept of OpsNotes is growing on me. What would really make it shine would be a Groovy helper class/client that can insert an OpsNote from within a Datasource definition for the device context without resorting to using the REST API. Use Case-- we have a datasource for SQL Servers to count the number of blocking sessions on a per database basis. The DBAs want a way to capture some of the session metadata with this metric. OpsNotes seem like a potential way of capturing this.3Views1like1CommentInclude JDBC exception messages in Query Status alerts
For JDBC datasources, please create a token that would enable us to include the JDBC driver exception message in the alert for Query Status data point alerts, the ones that are based on: Query status - 1=ok, 2=credential invalid, 3=connection string invalid, 4=connection rejected, 5=driver not supported, 6=connection failure, 7=query failure This would greatly help us to achieve faster time to resolution of incidents when the exception is code of type 6 and 7.1View0likes0CommentsRetaining attributes while updating LogicModules
Can I also make a feature request to retain the custom thresholds / attributes (user optional, probably by means of a toggle button to choose between overwrite or leave as is ) while updating LogicModules? I did notice related requests from the past and it seems that it is not yet released. /topic/1282-maintain-thresholdsappliesto-when-updating-during-datasource-updates//topic/1180-import-datasource-from-logic-monitor-repository-improvments/9Views1like6CommentsToken to include DataSource raw output in email and alert body
We have script DataSources that output useful diagnostics information that help Operations to understand the number value when an alert is generated. We want to include the raw output from a DataSource in the alert and email body. What we need is a ##DSRAWOUTPUT## token which contains the complete raw output sent to standard out from a DataSource script. For example, we monitor for processes running under credentials they are no supposed to be running under, and we want to include that info as textual information in the alert/email body.23Views3likes2Comments