Datasource for API Gateway Resources behind a stage
I have been using a custom datasource to collect the metrics for each resource and method (excluding OPTIONS) behind a API Gateway stage. It has been extremely useful in our production environments. I would share the datasource via the Exchange, but the discovery method I'm using will not be universal, so I think it would be best if that discovery were to work natively. If possible, could we please have a discovery method for AWS API Gateway Resources by Stage?
*Something to note - This has the potential to discover quite a few resources and thus, create a substantial number of cloudwatch calls which might hit customer billing. For this reason, I added a custom property ##APIGW.stages## so that I could plug in the specific stages I wish to monitor instead of having each one automatically discovered. The Applies To looks like this: == "AWS/APIGateway" && apigw.stages
Autodiscovery is currently written in PowerShell (hence why not everyone can take advantage of it)
$apigwID = '';
$region = ''
$stages = '##APIGW.Stages##';
$resources = Get-AGResourceList -RestApiId $apigwID -region $region
$stages.split(' ') | %{
$stage = $_
$resources | %{
if($_.ResourceMethods) {
$path = $_.Path
$_.ResourceMethods.Keys | where{$_ -notmatch 'OPTIONS'} | %{
$wildvalue = "Stage=$stage>Resource=$Path>Method=$_"
Write-Host "$wildvalue##${Stage}: $_ $Path######auto.stage=$stage"