Datasource for API Gateway Resources behind a stage
I have been using a custom datasource to collect the metrics for each resource and method (excluding OPTIONS) behind a API Gateway stage. It has been extremely useful in our production environments. I would share the datasource via the Exchange, but the discovery method I'm using will not be universal, so I think it would be best if that discovery were to work natively. If possible, could we please have a discovery method for AWS API Gateway Resources by Stage? *Something to note - This has the potential to discover quite a few resources and thus, create a substantial number of cloudwatch calls which might hit customer billing. For this reason, I added a custom property ##APIGW.stages## so that I could plug in the specific stages I wish to monitor instead of having each one automatically discovered. The Applies To looks like this: == "AWS/APIGateway" && apigw.stages Autodiscovery is currently written in PowerShell (hence why not everyone can take advantage of it) $apigwID = ''; $region = '' $stages = '##APIGW.Stages##'; $resources = Get-AGResourceList -RestApiId $apigwID -region $region $stages.split(' ') | %{ $stage = $_ $resources | %{ if($_.ResourceMethods) { $path = $_.Path $_.ResourceMethods.Keys | where{$_ -notmatch 'OPTIONS'} | %{ $wildvalue = "Stage=$stage>Resource=$Path>Method=$_" Write-Host "$wildvalue##${Stage}: $_ $Path######auto.stage=$stage" } } } }14Views0likes1CommentNot able to connect raspberry Pi using Logicmonitor collector
I am using secured Mesh network to communicate the raspberry pi with wireless sensors to monitor the readings. But my goal is to connect the received readings from raspberry pi to be displayed on smartphones and desktops through wireless communication, I am able to install Logicmonitor collector in raspbian OS but while adding device I am not able find out any info which made me think that might my device is still not connected, Is there any application which if installed in smartphone will help us to check the readings ? Apologies In advance if I am not informative much as I am new in IOT play, so need your suggestion to make this criteria functional.6Views0likes2CommentsMR series Meraki Cloud Endpoint
It would be useful if we could monitor the Meraki cloud endpoint as we do not have a centralized controller, all of the Meraki AP's report directly to the Meraki cloud URL. I was wondering if it is possible to create a datasource to monitor the endpoint as it is an API and can use snmp?6Views0likes1CommentCustom CloudWatch Metrics without a host
We have some custom CloudWatch metrics we'd like to gather, display and alert on however, they aren't specific to any host or AWS resource. If we push application specific metrics into CloudWatch, we don't want them tied to any specific application host as hosts/instances can come-and-go. We push these metrics to CloudWatch without an associated EC2 / AWS resource and can see them in CloudWatch, but without an InstanceID, we can not pull these metrics into Logic Monitor. We'd like to be able to pull in and organize any metric from CloudWatch, regardless of whether or not its dimensions include an InstanceID etc.13Views1like3Comments