PropertySource - Installed Windows Server Features
Useful for inventory, auditing, and auto-grouping. Displays the a list of all installed Windows Features separated by commas. Example below. auto.winfeatures [Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services, .NET Framework 3.5.1 Features, Telnet Client, Remote Server Administration Tools, .NET Framework 3.5.1, Role Administration Tools, AD LDS Snap-Ins and Command-Line Tools, AD DS and AD LDS Tools, Active Directory module for Windows PowerShell] WMN9DN10Views4likes9CommentsPSA: Collect from windows systems without admin rights
Don't know if anyone else noticed, but MS released a pretty slick script that enables WMI access remotely without admin rights. I have done a brief test with LM and it seems to be working well. That's the article. I created an AD group instead of a user to delegate, and I put the LM collector service in that group. Everything else I've followed as documented. I haven't tested anything else, but this alone is a huge step in the right direction.92Views3likes7CommentsPropertySource - Windows Services
WARNING - This propertysource pulls a list of all Windows services installed. This does not filter the services to only show running or auto-starting services. Useful for auditing, auto-grouping, and inventory. Example below Displays the a list of all installed Windows Services. auto.winservices [AeLookupSvc, ALG, AppIDSvc, Appinfo, AppMgmt, aspnet_state, AudioEndpointBuilder, AudioSrv, BESClient, BESClientHelper, BFE, BITS, Browser, CertPropSvc, clr_optimization_v2.0.50727_32, clr_optimization_v2.0.50727_64, clr_optimization_v4.0.30319_32, clr_optimization_v4.0.30319_64, COMSysApp, CryptSvc, DcomLaunch, defragsvc, Dhcp, DiagTrack, Dnscache, dot3svc, DPS, EapHost, EFS, eventlog, EventSystem, FCRegSvc, fdPHost, FDResPub, FontCache, FontCache3.0.0.0, gpsvc, hidserv, hkmsvc, idsvc, IEEtwCollectorService, IKEEXT, IPBusEnum, iphlpsvc, KeyIso, KtmRm, LanmanServer, LanmanWorkstation, lltdsvc, lmhosts, MMCSS, MpsSvc, MSDTC, MSiSCSI, msiserver, MSSQL$SVSSDB, MSSQLFDLauncher$SVSSDB, MSSQLServerADHelper100, napagent, Netlogon, Netman, NetMsmqActivator, NetPipeActivator, netprofm, NetTcpActivator, NetTcpPortSharing, NlaSvc, nsi, PerfHost, pla, PlugPlay, PolicyAgent, Power, ProfSvc, ProtectedStorage, RasAuto, RasMan, RemoteAccess, RemoteRegistry, RpcEptMapper, RpcLocator, RpcSs, RSoPProv, sacsvr, SamSs, SCardSvr, Schedule, SCPolicySvc, seclogon, SENS, SessionEnv, SharedAccess, ShellHWDetection, SNMPTRAP, Spooler, sppsvc, sppuinotify, SQLAgent$SVSSDB, SQLBrowser, SQLWriter, SSDPSRV, SstpSvc, swprv, TapiSrv, TermService, THREADORDER, TrkWks, TrustedInstaller, UI0Detect, UmRdpService, upnphost, UxSms, VaultSvc, vds, VGAuthService, VMTools, vmvss, VMware Physical Disk Helper Service, VSS, W32Time, WcsPlugInService, WdiServiceHost, WdiSystemHost, Wecsvc, wercplsupport, WerSvc, WinHttpAutoProxySvc, Winmgmt, WinRM, wmiApSrv, WPDBusEnum, WRSVC, wuauserv, wudfsvc] Z4LHDZ13Views3likes11CommentsWindows Services Check
I have found where I can monitor services for a device and have set up a test to monitor services on the windows device. Is there a way to set this as a datasource? That way I can do the AppliesTo scripting and have specific devices being monitored for specific services they are running? I have about 80 devices and configuring Service Alerts for each of them would take a bit of time, I'm trying to be more efficient.46Views2likes4CommentsDownload Speed
WALDXL - Download Speed This datasource will run a PowerShell script that downloads a 10MB file and then figures out the speed in Mbps that it was downloaded. CAUTION: This datasource will download a 10Mb file for every Windows machine specified in the applies to field(default is not applied),every poll(deafult is 20 minutes), depending on your environment this could raise the price for your monthly ISP bill. Specifically if your ISP speeds ramp up when needed. I would recommend applying this to: hasCategory("speed") and isWindows() The of course you just need to add the of speed to any Windows machine you want to monitor Download Speed on.14Views2likes4CommentsWin_Shares
T4WZC3 Initially I created this to monitor the status of DFS shares, but can be used on any Windows share. Monitors for the status as indicated by Microsoft's MSDN site here Graphs allow you to easily see the status over time.6Views2likes1CommentBetter Windows Event Monitoring
Hi, As much as i love the graphs and visuals that LM produces for all sorts of metrics, unfortunately a big part of our monitoring is keeping an eye on Windows Event Logs, which i have to say LM is not that good at. Adding exceptions is a pain (i now have so many i often delete them by accident when adding new ones). I have been told this is in the pipeline for the new UI several times but it has not been mentioned as yet. My first line guys check our gfi & LM dashboard every morning and i hear time again that they prefer the gfi one for looking at Event log messages. I have even caught them loading gfi on to servers that already have LM on them (costing us twice the cost). Is there anything in the pipeline for this? I know it's not a priority for you guys, but i think for a lot of customers it would be.4Views2likes0CommentsWindows Network Adapters DataSource
Code is TXL3W9 This DataSource provides instances for each of the Network adapters, including the following Instance Level Properties: auto.TcpWindowSize auto.MTU auto.MACAddress auto.IPSubnet auto.IPAddress auto.DNSHostName auto.DNSDomain auto.DefaultIPGateway auto.SettingID auto.Description11Views1like0Comments