Logic.Monitor (PowerShell) module
If you're a LogicMonitor user looking to streamline your workflows and automate repetitive tasks, you'll be pleased to know that there's is a PowerShell module available to help you do just that. As a longtime Windows administrator, I've relied on PowerShell as my go-to tool for automating and managing my infrastructure. I've found that the ability to automate tasks through PowerShell not only saves time, but also reduces errors and ensures consistency across the environment. Developed by myself as a personal side project, this module provides a range of cmdlets that can be used to interact with the LogicMonitor API, making it easier than ever to manage your monitoring setup directly from the command line. Whether you're looking to retrieve information about your monitored devices, update alert thresholds, or perform other administrative tasks, this module has you covered. In this post, we'll take a closer look at the features and capabilities of this module, and show you how to get started with using it in your own automation scripts. This project is published in the PowerShell Gallery at https://www.powershellgallery.com/packages/Logic.Monitor/. Installation From PowerShell Gallery: Install-Module -Name "Logic.Monitor" Upgrading: #New releases are published often, to ensure you have the latest version you can run: Update-Module -Name "Logic.Monitor" General Usage: Before you can use on module commands you will need to be connected to a LM portal. To connect your LM portal use the Connect-LMAccount command: Connect-LMAccount -AccessId "lm_access_id" -AccessKey "lm_access_key" -AccountName "lm_portal_prefix_name" Once connected you can then run an appropriate command, a full list of commands available can be found using: Get-Command -Module "Logic.Monitor" To disconnect from an account simply run the Disconnect-LMAccount command: Disconnect-LMAccount Examples: Most Get commands can pull info by id or name to allow for easier retrieval without needing to know the specific resource id. The name parameters in get commands can also accept wildcard values. Get list of devices: #Get all devices Get-LMDevice #Get device via id Get-LMDevice -Id 1 #Get device via hostname Get-LMDevice -Name device.example.com #Get device via displayname/wildcard Get-LMDevice -DisplayName "corp*" Modify a device: #Change device Name,DisplayName,Descrition,Link and set collector assignment Set-LMDevice -Id 1 -DisplayName "New Device Name" -NewName "device.example.com" -Description "Critical Device" -Link "http://device.example.com" -PreferredCollectorId 1 #Add/Update custom properties to a resource and disable alerting Set-LMDevice -Id 1 -Properties @{propname1="value1";propname2="value2"} -DisableAlerting $true ***Using the Name parameter to target a resource during a Set/Remove command will perform an initial get request for you automatically to retrieve the required id. When performing a large amount of changes using id is the preferred method to avoid excessive lookups and avoid any potential API throttling. Remove a device: #Remove device by hostname Remove-LMDevice -Name "device.example.com" -HardDelete $false Send a LM Log Message: Send-LMLogMessage -Message "Hello World!" -resourceMapping @{"system.displayname"="LM-COLL"} -Metadata @{"extra-data"="value";"extra-data2"="value2"} Add a new user to LogicMonitor: New-LMUser -RoleNames @("administrator") -Password "changeme" -FirstName John -LastName Doe -Email jdoe@example.com -Username jdoe@example.com -ForcePasswordChange $true -Phone "5558675309" There are over ~150 cmdlets exposed as part of this module and more are being added each week as I receive feedback internally and from customers. For more details and other examples/code snippets or to contribute you can visit the github repo where this is hosted. Source Repository: https://github.com/stevevillardi/Logic.Monitor Additional Code Examples: https://github.com/stevevillardi/Logic.Monitor/blob/main/EXAMPLES.md Note: This is very much a personal project and not an official LogicMonitor integration. If the concept of a native PowerShell module interest you, I would recommend putting in a feedback request so that the demand can be tracked.2.6KViews55likes30CommentsDFSR Replication Backlog
XKJNGZ Uses Powershell to make WMI queries to get the current backlog file count for each outbound DFSR partner on each DFSR share. These queries can be expensive if the backlog is large, so the polling interval is set to 10 minutes. If there is no backlog, the script finishes quickly. No default alerting is set, but I would recommend adding a threshold to be notified of potential replication issues. NOTE* - The collector must be able to reach both DFSR partners and will use the same credentials to make the queries for both.523Views1like15CommentsAzure Stack HCI resources don't have storage, memory, disk or cluster metrics
We have a customer with an Azure Stack HCI cluster deployed a few months ago. For those not familiar, this is basically a customised Windows Server core environment that runs Hyper-V VMs and some Azure-specific workloads on-premises. The virtualised workloads are all added as resources using a locally-deployed collector (on the Windows jumphost, if it matters) and they all show CPU, Disks, Interfaces, Processes … everything you’d expect for Windows hosts. We’ve added the two nodes as Resources, but we don’t see any detailed metrics - only Host Status (DNS), HTTP and Ping. I also added the FQDN for the cluster management point / VNN, and it has the same minimal detail as the individual cluster nodes. There are quite a few valid/correct properties recorded for the systems - some, for example: system.domain (customer AD domain) system.ips (all IP addresses for all interfaces) system.model (correctly identifies vendor and server model, presumably from WMI) system.sysinfo (“Microsoft Azure Stack HCI”) system.sysname (hostname) system.systemtype (“x64-based PC”) Is there something else I need to do to have this system monitored? I’m rushing because we nearly had a CSV run out of space - we thought it was monitored, and we were wrong.Solved384Views16likes9CommentsWindows Services Monitoring with quite a bit more Automation applied
So today we use LM's Microsoft Windows Services DataSource to monitor Windows Services. This DS uses Groovy Script and WMI calls under the hood to fetch the service metrics like state, start mode, status, etc... Everything works fine but one of the prerequisites is to go and manually populate the list of Windows services which then the DS parses out as a WILDVALUE variable in the script. You know, go to the device, click on Down Arrow (Manage Resource Options) --> Add Additional Monitoring --> and CHOOSE from the list of Windows Services. Rinse and Repeat and Save. Then the DS goes to work. Well, what if you have a list of over 100 Windows Services you need to add to let's say 20 Windows devices? That would take forever to populate that list manually... That's a problem number 1. Scratch that. This is not really a problem since one can run a PowerShell script (or Groovy Script) to perform this task using undocumented - but working very well - LM API calls. That problem is solved. Next - This list of over 100 Services needs to be *refreshed* every let's say 24 hours to remove nonexistent services and add new ones based on the Regex filter. That's a problem number 2. And again, one can do it programmatically running API calls but this is where I am trying to figure out how to do it. Run my script as a custom PropertySource? I am not really writing Resource Properties, I am updating instance list (Windows Services) within Additional Monitoring on bunch of Resources. Plus PropertySources are applied when ActiveDiscovery is run which is what, every 24 hours? Or should I write custom DataSource that would accomplish this refresh and specify 1 day collection period? Thanks.Solved994Views5likes2CommentsProcess Monitoring Batch Script
s there a way we can measure the performance of a Data Source or collectors? Repository: ProcessMonitoring @Stuart Weenig I presume I did not understand why monitoring lots of processes/services on Windows systems, with _Select Data Sources might not be the best approach. Aren’t both making a WMI call? Aren’t both going to bring all the Processes in one go? Can we see the query count from WMI Vs Batch Groovy?Solved156Views0likes7CommentsProcess Monitoring
Hi @Stuart Weenig Thank you for your awesome work! I was able to use the Win_Process_Stats_Groovy.xml file for creating data source for Process. https://github.com/sweenig/lm/tree/main/ProcessMonitoring I am able to see data in Discovery and Collector but under Raw Data in Devices > Data source I do not see any data , when I poll I do see data, am I missing something. My Applied To Wizard has the following query I removed the Win_Process_Stats.excludeRegEx & Win_Process_Stats.includeRegEx from “Applies To” isWindows() && system.displayname == "server001" or system.displayname == "server001"Solved266Views8likes10CommentsDoes anyone have any experience with monitoring Windows Processes?
I’ve checked the community for datasources and I don’t see anything to what I’m specifically looking for. Our organization currently utilizes the Microsoft_Windows_Services datasource (modified a little bit for our specific needs) to monitor services. I’m looking for something similar to monitor windows processes. Similar to the Microsoft_Windows_Services datasource, what I am hoping to accomplish is provide a list of keywords that will either match or be contained in the process name that I want to monitor, provide a list of machines that I want to monitor those processes on, and then get alerted on if those processes stop running. Some issues I am running into so far are: Win32_Process always returns a value of NULL for status and state. So I cannot monitor for those two class level properties. Powershell’s Get-Process does not return status or state, rather it just looks for processes that are actively running, so I would need to get creative in having LogicMonitor create the instance and what value to monitor in the instance. Some of the processes I want to monitor create multiple processes with the same name, and LogicMonitor then groups them all together into one instance, which makes monitoring diffucult. Some of the process I want to monitor are processes that only run if an application is manually launched, which means that again I will need to get creative in how I set up monitoring because I don’t want to get alerts when a process that I know shouldn’t be running is not running. Because the processes I am trying to monitor are not going to be common for everyone everywhere, something that other people could do to try to replicate my scenario would be: Open Chrome. When Chrome is launched, you will get a processed called “Chrome”. Now, open several other tabs of Chrome, you will just get more processes named “Chrome”. Now, keeping in mind the points I made earlier, set up monitoring to let you know when the 3rd tab in Chrome has been closed, even though the rest of the Chrome tabs are still open. How would you break that down? My first thought would be to monitor the PIDs, however, when you reboot your machine, your PIDs will likely change. Also, I don’t want to have the datasource wild value search by PID, because that would get confusing really fast once you have 2 or 3 different PIDs that you want to monitor. All suggestions are welcome, and any help is greatly appreciated. Bonus points if you can get this to work with the discovery method as Script and you use an embedded Groovy or Powershell script.Solved562Views12likes19CommentsWindows System Event Log "message" details not accurate
We are using the default Windows System Event Log event source and having those errors route through a Teams integration. When tested from Windows System Event Log event source the Event Logging displays the entire “message” detailing the eventID reason etc etc. When looking in the Alerts section of the GUI it also shows the entire “Message” section with details. However when the alert shows up in Teams its dumbed down and useless. We get the following. Message: error - HOSTNAME Windows System Event Log The Teams integration is setup identically to the Event Source Alert message as seen below. Anyone know why ##Message## is getting overwritten with useless info instead of the actual message details from the Event? Host: ##HOST## Eventsource: ##EVENTSOURCE## Windows Event ID: ##EVENTCODE## Message: ##MESSAGE## Detected on: ##START##75Views12likes7CommentsWhen an anomaly isn't an anomaly what could i do?
What can i do when anomaly detection wont work ( something that is seen on a regular basis, and dynamic threshold also wont help where it is within range? For example a drive on a server gets filled with data ( drive is normally cleared down on a daily basis ) but when someone decides to upload a larger than expected amount the drive hasn't been cleared or with other uploads throughout the day there isn't enough space. You are happy if the drive is above 80% during the night because if it hasn't cleared it can be dealt with in the morning ( no need to get anyone out of bed ) but if there is a rapid spike ( more than 2.5% growth in used space in a 30min period ) then they need an alert to get out of bed and fix / make enough room for the data. A possible solution is a datasource that will alert if the drive is over the 80% but only with that rapid growth. DataSource calls the api for the last 30min worth of data and calculates the growth rate. The below is the code for a C drive but the drive letter can be changed easily in the code below, same with the 2.5% and the 80% values, they could also be parameterised for different ranges on different devices. <# Use TLS 1.2 #> [Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12 <# account info #> $accessId = '##apiaccessid.key##' $accessKey = '##apiaccesskey.key##' $company = '##company##' $deviceId = "##system.deviceId##" <# request details #> $httpVerb = 'GET' $resourcePath = "/device/devices/$deviceId/devicedatasources" $queryParams = '?filter=dataSourceName:"WinVolumeUsage-"' <# Construct URL #> $url = 'https://' + $company + '.logicmonitor.com/santaba/rest' + $resourcePath + $queryParams <# Get current time in milliseconds #> $epoch = [Math]::Round((New-TimeSpan -start (Get-Date -Date "1/1/1970") -end (Get-Date).ToUniversalTime()).TotalMilliseconds) <# Concatenate Request Details #> $requestVars = $httpVerb + $epoch + $data + $resourcePath <# Construct Signature #> $hmac = New-Object System.Security.Cryptography.HMACSHA256 $hmac.Key = [Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes($accessKey) $signatureBytes = $hmac.ComputeHash([Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes($requestVars)) $signatureHex = [System.BitConverter]::ToString($signatureBytes) -replace '-' $signature = [System.Convert]::ToBase64String([System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes($signatureHex.ToLower())) <# Construct Headers #> $auth = 'LMv1 ' + $accessId + ':' + $signature + ':' + $epoch $headers = New-Object "System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary[[String],[String]]" $headers.Add("Authorization",$auth) $headers.Add("Content-Type",'application/json') $headers.Add("X-Version","3") <# Make Request #> $response = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $url -Method $httpVerb -Header $headers <# Get Device DataSource ID #> $deviceDataSourceId = $response.items.id <# request details #> $httpVerb = 'GET' $resourcePath = "/device/devices/$deviceId/devicedatasources/$deviceDataSourceId/data" $queryParams = '' <# Construct URL #> $url = 'https://' + $company + '.logicmonitor.com/santaba/rest' + $resourcePath + $queryParams <# Get current time in milliseconds #> $epoch = [Math]::Round((New-TimeSpan -start (Get-Date -Date "1/1/1970") -end (Get-Date).ToUniversalTime()).TotalMilliseconds) <# Concatenate Request Details #> $requestVars = $httpVerb + $epoch + $data + $resourcePath <# Construct Signature #> $hmac = New-Object System.Security.Cryptography.HMACSHA256 $hmac.Key = [Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes($accessKey) $signatureBytes = $hmac.ComputeHash([Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes($requestVars)) $signatureHex = [System.BitConverter]::ToString($signatureBytes) -replace '-' $signature = [System.Convert]::ToBase64String([System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes($signatureHex.ToLower())) <# Construct Headers #> $auth = 'LMv1 ' + $accessId + ':' + $signature + ':' + $epoch $headers = New-Object "System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary[[String],[String]]" $headers.Add("Authorization",$auth) $headers.Add("Content-Type",'application/json') <# Make Request #> $response = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $url -Method $httpVerb -Header $headers <# Print status and body of response #> $status = $response.status $body = $response.data | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 5 function Select-Nth { param([int]$N) $Input | Select-Object -First $N | Select-Object -Last 1 } $array1 = @($response.data.instances.'WinVolumeUsage-C:\'.values) $first = $array1[0] | Select-Nth 3 $last = $array1[19] |Select-Nth 3 $growth = $first - $last if (($growth -gt 2.5) -and ($first -ge 80)){ return 1 }else { return 2 } Hope this gives you some ideas to develop alerting further 😁167Views10likes2CommentsMonitoring folders on Windows servers
I was recently asked by a customer if it was possible to monitor the size of a folder or the file count in a folder on a Windows server. Well there sure is, <whistles> YO UNC Monitor- come on down. UNC Monitor- is part of the Core DS, the DSs that are installed by default when LogicMonitor is first deployed. As seen on the UNC Monitor Description section: Great, there is a way to do this. Ok how do I do this? Hmm? Well looking at the next section of the DS, Technical Notes. Add an instance manually, oooohh k. But how do I perform this specific voodoo? Hmm maybe if I look further down on the DS? Ok there is the Groovy Script, what do I get when I run the Test Script? Ok so I do have 5 folders that contain 41 files using a total of 7,013 KB. Great that’s some info but still not what I need for a path and I still don’t know how to “add the instance manually” Maybe there is some documentation on how to do this? Oh yeah it’s right here Step 2 states “click the down arrow icon button located next to the manage button for that device. From this dropdown menu, select “Add Other Monitoring” So now I know the steps I need to take and I know that there are folders that are shared. How do I know what the shared folders are without having to log onto the server? That’s where the debug facility comes in for help. The easiest way to access debug is open any raw data screen and click on debug You will be presented with all the available commands. To assist in finding the available folder shared we will be using !wmi If you aren’t familiar with any command just type the command and you will be presented with information. In this case I want to show the shared folders on this server. With a bit of knowledge on Win32 Classes we can find this info. I’ll cover Win32 Classes in another post. Now I have everything I need to get this folder monitored through UNC, RIGHT?!? RIGHT?!? I’m looking at the device and there is no DS for UNC showing How do I add it manually if I don’t have DS ugggh. Since I have my handy dandy info from the documentation I know I need to: Once you click on that you get Add a name as you want it to show up on the instance list. Then you can add a path from the list that was obtained through leveraging the debug facility. Once both of those are filled in, hit save twice and tada you get And more importantly you now have alert tuning that you can perform on this specific UNC drive955Views17likes2Comments