Meraki Monitoring
Hello, I was wondering if anyone out there would be able to help me out with the proper way to monitor multiple Meraki devices. The use case will be to have the ability to monitor one Meraki Firewall and multiple Meraki switches in multiple sites. However from my understanding they are under one cloud access URL. What would the best coarse of action to monitor these devices to get individual device statistics? Thanks in Advance112Views0likes4CommentsRetaining attributes while updating LogicModules
Can I also make a feature request to retain the custom thresholds / attributes (user optional, probably by means of a toggle button to choose between overwrite or leave as is ) while updating LogicModules? I did notice related requests from the past and it seems that it is not yet released. /topic/1282-maintain-thresholdsappliesto-when-updating-during-datasource-updates//topic/1180-import-datasource-from-logic-monitor-repository-improvments/9Views1like6CommentsSNMP - Use RAW value in datapoint
Goodmorning, I'm trying to create some custom datapoints for an marine antenna control unit (ACU). A lot of the data consists of non numeric output, and with those I'm struggling at the moment. One example is the SNMP output for "Longtitude/Lattitude" this consists of numbers and a letter. Below is the output (and error) I receive when polling: Timestamp: 2018-10-11 10:47:41 Normal Datapoints 1 item iAcsStatusLat NaN Fail to get the result of this oid OID is . Raw value is 53.683331 N Hide Raw Request/Response . 53.683331 N As you can see the "Raw value" is nicely polled, but the datapoint cannot process it (probably due to the "N" in the data). Simpler data like "heading" is not an issue and is nicely being polled and written to the graphs. Basically I just want the datapoint just to poll the raw data, and plot it to the datapoint. Can anybody point me in the right direction? Br, Ralf40Views0likes3CommentsCollector 27.002 Memory Leaks
Has anyone else experienced any issues with Collector 27.002? I updated our SNMP collector (8G RAM, about 600 devices) a few days ago and twice it has gone down with memory maxing out. Have downgraded back to 27.000. I did a Send Logs to LogicMonitor, if it helps.13Views0likes2CommentsSNMP v3 and SonicWall
Hello all! We have a client that uses SonicWall and we are having some issues bringing the device into LogicMonitor. We have confirmed that SNMP is enabled on the device(s) and that SNMP is being allowed out of the Interface. Moreover, we have setup a User/Group for our monitoring using MD5, AES and a key for both that we have created. We have also set this group to have Root Access. Additionally on the current configuration for SNMP we see that Get Community Name, Trap Community Name and Host 1 are populated with information. Host 1 being the NAT'd IP address of the environment. When attempting to Run Active Discovery we see that on the logs on the SonicWall that the logs suggest that the Engine ID is incorrect. However we are using the Engine ID that is shown in simple plain text within the SNMP configuration using the snmp.contextEngineID function within the devices' properties. However when running tests it seems that everything returns as Invalid Engine ID no matter what the issue seems to be. So any other ways that anyone here knows how to get these devices into LogicMonitor when the device is using SMNP v3?63Views0likes0Commentssnmp helper script, pass_persist
long post.. I'm posting this more as an informational; this is what we did to collect everything through snmp rather than open up any ports like ssh... If you have ideas on making it better I'm all ears! Nothing fancy.. I modified the code from the real world example that snmp pass_persist gives on their page... the main script loads stuff from a YAML config file then calls each python module, passing the snmp pass_persist object (pp) and config object over to them. The modules will run a quick test to see if they actually need to run... for example if the machine doesn't have DNS, then the dns_stats doesn't need to run. The File Monitor and DNS Stats are capable of monitoring multiple instances. Things that I want still: -- The file monitor oids will change for files if a file is added or removed.. so maybe we set LM to do autodiscovery based on a key or lookup instead ?! -- The above applies to software raids.. may need a state file to cache things in, or again.. key/lookups instead. -- dns_stats calls an external bash script to do the parsing because my python woo is very weak -- clean up / insert comments everywhere ! snmpd.conf (add this line to the bottom) pass_persist . /usr/share/snmp/extensions/lm/ config.yml: (/usr/share/snmp/extensions/lm/) --- dns: instances: - name: 'Main DNS' config: '/etc/named.conf' stats: '/var/named/data/named_stats.txt' - name: 'Special voodoo DNS' config: '/etc/named.voodoo.conf' stats: '/var/named.voodoo/data/named_stats.txt' file_monitor: directories: - '/var/opt/logs/servers' - '/var/opt/logs/network' Main script: (/usr/share/snmp/extensions/lm/ #!/usr/bin/python -u # -*- coding:Utf-8 -*- # Option -u is needed for communication with snmpd import sys sys.path.append('/usr/share/snmp/extensions/lm/libraries') import snmp_passpersist as snmp import os, re, socket, syslog, time, errno import LM_Config as cfg import LM_Software_Raid import LM_FileMonitor import LM_dns_stats # Global vars pp = None config = cfg.loadConfig() VER = "Logic Monitor SNMP Helper v0.1" POLLING_INTERVAL = 60 MAX_RETRY = 5 OID_BASE = "." def update_data(): pp.add_str('0.0',VER) ## This is needed because the variable isn't getting reset to 0 inside the modules LM_Software_Raid.doUpdate(pp) LM_FileMonitor.doUpdate(pp,config) LM_dns_stats.doUpdate(pp,config) def main(): syslog.openlog(sys.argv[0],syslog.LOG_PID) retry_timestamp=int(time.time()) retry_counter=MAX_RETRY while retry_counter>0: try: global pp syslog.syslog(syslog.LOG_INFO,"Starting Logic Monitor SNMP Helper...") # Load helpers pp=snmp.PassPersist(OID_BASE) pp.start(update_data,POLLING_INTERVAL) # Should'nt return (except if updater thread has died) except KeyboardInterrupt: print "Exiting on user request." sys.exit(0) except IOError, e: if e.errno == errno.EPIPE: syslog.syslog(syslog.LOG_INFO,"Snmpd had close the pipe, exiting...") sys.exit(0) else: syslog.syslog(syslog.LOG_WARNING,"Updater thread as died: IOError: %s" % (e)) except Exception, e: syslog.syslog(syslog.LOG_WARNING,"Main thread as died: %s: %s" % (e.__class__.__name__, e)) else: syslog.syslog(syslog.LOG_WARNING,"Updater thread as died: %s" % (pp.error)) syslog.syslog(syslog.LOG_WARNING,"Restarting monitoring in 15 sec...") time.sleep(15) # Errors frequency detection now=int(time.time()) if (now - 3600) > retry_timestamp: # If the previous error is older than 1H retry_counter=MAX_RETRY # Reset the counter else: retry_counter-=1 # Else countdown retry_timestamp=now syslog.syslog(syslog.LOG_ERR,"Too many retry, abording... Please check if xen is running !") sys.exit(1) if __name__ == "__main__": main() (/usr/share/snmp/extensions/lm/libraries) #!/usr/bin/python import sys sys.path.append('/usr/share/snmp/extensions/lm/libraries') import yaml file = '/usr/share/snmp/extensions/lm/config.yml' def loadConfig(): try: with open(file) as f: return yaml.load(f) except: print(file + " doesn't exist") (/usr/share/snmp/extensions/lm/libraries) #!/usr/bin/python import sys sys.path.append('/usr/share/snmp/extensions/lm/libraries') import re import mdstat import json import argparse import LM_Config as cfg md = mdstat.parse() def testModule(): config = cfg.loadConfig() if len(md['devices']) > 0: return True else: return False def to_bool(*args): try: if args[1] == "rev": if args[0] == True or args[0] == None: return 1 elif args[0] == False: return 0 except: if args[0] == True or args[0] == None: return 0 elif args[0] == False: return 1 else: return s def doUpdate(pp): if testModule(): # headers for each section in the for loop(s) pp.add_str('1.0',"md name") pp.add_str('1.1',"md status") # 1.2 is in the next loop pp.add_str('1.3',"md raid type") pp.add_str('1.4',"Disks in software raids") pp.add_str('1.5',"Disks Faulty Status") pp.add_str('1.6',"DiskX belongs to mdX") i = 0 for mdCounter,mdValue in enumerate(sorted(md['devices'])): # 1.0.x md names pp.add_str('1.0.' + str(mdCounter),mdValue) # 1.1.x md status pp.add_str('1.1.' + str(mdCounter),to_bool(md['devices'][mdValue]['active'])) # 1.2.x.0.0 md disk count pp.add_str('1.2.' + str(mdCounter) + '.0.0', mdValue + " disk count") # 1.2.x.1.0 md non faulted disk count pp.add_str('1.2.' + str(mdCounter) + '.1.0', mdValue + " non faulted disk count") # 1.3.x md type pp.add_str('1.3.' + str(mdCounter),md['devices'][mdValue]['personality']) fault = 0; count = 0 for dCounter,dValue in enumerate(md['devices'][mdValue]['disks']): pp.add_str('1.4.' + str(i),dValue) disk_fault=to_bool(md['devices'][mdValue]['disks'][dValue]['faulty'],"rev") fault = fault + to_bool(md['devices'][mdValue]['disks'][dValue]['faulty']) pp.add_str('1.5.' + str(i),disk_fault) pp.add_str('1.6.' + str(i), mdValue) i = i + 1 count = count + 1 # 1.2.x.0.x & 1.2.x.1.x pp.add_str('1.2.' + str(mdCounter) + '.0.1', count) pp.add_str('1.2.' + str(mdCounter) + '.1.1', fault) (/usr/share/snmp/extensions/lm/libraries) #!/usr/bin/python import sys sys.path.append('/usr/share/snmp/extensions/lm/libraries') import os import time import glob from stat import * dirs = [] # Nice little function to convert True / None to 0 and False to 1 def to_bool(s): if s == True or s == None: return 0 elif s == False: return 1 else: return s def testModule(config): for dir in config['file_monitor']['directories']: if os.path.isdir(dir): dirs.append(dir) if len(dirs) > 0: return True else: return False def doUpdate(pp,config): # Test if we should run this module and return anything if testModule(config): x = 0 pp.add_str('2.0.0',"Directories") pp.add_str('2.0.1',dirs) for dir in dirs: os.chdir(dir) pp.add_str('2.2.0', "Last Check Time (epoch)") pp.add_str('2.2.1', time.time()) pp.add_str('2.2.3', "Files") pp.add_str('2.2.4', "Modification Time at last check (epoch)") pp.add_str('2.2.5', "Full Path") pp.add_str('2.2.6', "File size") pp.add_str('2.2.7', "Created (epoch)") pp.add_str('2.2.8', "Access Time (epoch)") for counter,value in enumerate(glob.glob("*")): statinfo = os.stat(value) pp.add_str('2.2.3.' + str(counter), value) pp.add_str('2.2.4.' + str(counter), str(statinfo[8])) pp.add_str('2.2.5.' + str(counter), dir + '/' + value) pp.add_str('2.2.6.' + str(counter), str(statinfo[6])) pp.add_str('2.2.7.' + str(counter), str(statinfo[9])) pp.add_str('2.2.8.' + str(counter), str(statinfo[7])) x = x + 1 else: pp.add_str('2',"LM_FileMonitor module did not find any directories to monitor") (/usr/share/snmp/extensions/lm/libraries) #!/usr/bin/python import sys sys.path.append('/usr/share/snmp/extensions/lm/libraries') import os import re import subprocess dns_stats = [] dns_desc = [] def testModule(config): for instance in config['dns']['instances']: stats_file = instance['stats'] if os.path.exists(stats_file) and os.access(stats_file, os.R_OK): dns_stats.append(stats_file) dns_desc.append(instance['name']) if len(dns_stats) > 0: return True else: return False def doUpdate(pp,config): if testModule(config): i,dnsx = 0,0 for stats_file in dns_stats: if dnsx == len(config['dns']['instances']): dnsx = 0 pp.add_str('3.0.' + str(dnsx), str(dns_desc[dnsx])) pp.add_str('3.1.' + str(dnsx),"Stats from " + stats_file) script = "/usr/share/snmp/extensions/lm/helper_scripts/" incoming = subprocess.check_output([script, stats_file, 'incoming']) outgoing = subprocess.check_output([script, stats_file, 'outgoing']) resolver = subprocess.check_output([script, stats_file, 'resolver']) socket = subprocess.check_output([script, stats_file, 'socket']) ## Incoming i = 0 for s in re.split('\n',incoming): data = re.split(',', s) if len(data[0]) > 0 and data[1] > 0: pp.add_str('' + str(i), data[0]) pp.add_str('3.2.1.' + str(dnsx) + '.' + str(i), data[1]) i = i + 1 ## Outgoing i = 0 for s in re.split('\n',outgoing): data = re.split(',', s) if len(data[0]) > 0: pp.add_str('' + str(i), data[0]) pp.add_str('3.3.1.' + str(dnsx) + '.' + str(i), data[1]) i = i + 1 ## resolver i = 0 for s in re.split('\n',resolver): data = re.split(',', s) if len(data[0]) > 0: pp.add_str('' + str(i), data[0]) pp.add_str('3.4.1.' + str(dnsx) + '.' + str(i), data[1]) i = i + 1 ## socket i = 0 for s in re.split('\n',socket): data = re.split(',', s) if len(data[0]) > 0: pp.add_str('' + str(i), data[0]) pp.add_str('3.5.1.' + str(dnsx) + '.' + str(i), data[1]) i = i + 1 dnsx = dnsx + 1 else: pp.add_str('3' + "LM_dns_stats module did not find any bind intances from the config file") (/usr/share/snmp/extensions/lm/helper_scripts/) #!/bin/bash file=${1} [ -x ${file} ] && exit 0 [ -f ${file} ] || exit 0 dnsNames=(A A6 AAAA ANY CNAME DNSKEY DS MX NAPTR NS PTR SOA SPF SRV TXT) resNames=('mismatch responses received' 'IPv4 queries sent' 'IPv4 responses received' 'NXDOMAIN received' 'SERVFAIL received' 'FORMERR received' 'query retries' 'query timeouts' 'queries with RTT < 10ms' 'queries with RTT 10-100ms' 'queries with RTT 100-500ms' 'queries with RTT 500-800ms' 'queries with RTT 800-1600ms' 'queries with RTT > 1600ms') sockNames=('UDP/IPv4 sockets opened' 'UDP/IPv4 sockets closed' 'UDP/IPv4 socket bind failures' 'UDP/IPv4 connections established' 'UDP/IPv4 recv errors' 'TCP/IPv4 sockets opened' 'TCP/IPv4 sockets closed' 'TCP/IPv4 socket bind failures' 'TCP/IPv4 connections established' 'TCP/IPv4 recv errors') now_epoch=$(date +%s) mtime_epoch=$(stat ${file} -c %W) function updateStats { [ -f ${file} ] && [ $((now_epoch-mtime_epoch)) -gt 300 ] && rm -f $file && rndc stats } function getStats { start=$1 end=$2 regx1="sed -n '/${start}/,/${end}/p'" data=$(cat ${file} | \ eval ${regx1} | \ egrep '[0-9]' | \ awk '{ print $1" "$2 }') while read value name; do names+=(${name}) values+=("${value}") done <<< "${data}" for n in $(eval echo \${${3}[@]}); do regx2="${n}" if [[ ! "${names[@]}" =~ "$regx2" ]]; then names+=(${n}) values+=("0") fi done x=0 for n in ${names[@]}; do echo "${names[$x]},${values[$x]}" x=$((x+1)) done } function inStats { getStats "Incoming Q" "Outgoing Q" "dnsNames" } function outStats { getStats "Outgoing Q" "^+" "dnsNames" } function resStats { for n in "${resNames[@]}"; do regexp=" ${n}$" name=$(echo ${n}) value=$(egrep "${regexp}" ${file} | \ sed -n 's/.* \([0-9]*\) \([A-Za-z].*\)/\1/p') [ ${#value} -eq 0 ] && value=0 echo "${name},${value}" done } function resSocket { for n in "${sockNames[@]}"; do regexp=" ${n}$" value=$(egrep "${regexp}" ${file} | \ sed -n 's/.* \([0-9]*\) \([A-Za-z].*\)/\1/p') [ ${#value} -eq 0 ] && value=0 echo "${n},${value}" done } # all returns get the timestamps.. echo "stats_epoch,${mtime_epoch}" echo "now_epoch,${now_epoch}" case ${2} in incoming) inStats;; outgoing) outStats;; resolver) resStats;; socket) resSocket;; *) inStats;; esac # Call createStats last.. if we destroy first then query the file, values will be small to 0 as the values start at time of stats creation. If we call at the end, the next polling will have data during the time period from poll to poll. updateStats exit 018Views0likes0CommentsPick one from multiple snmp community strings
If you have multiple snmp community strings within your environment but they're not consistent within any particular subset of devices, you might want to add them as a list and have LogicMonitor decide which one works for any given device. This proof-of-concept DataSource lets you do that. You'll need an API user within your LogicMonitor account, and that user will need rights to manage all devices (or at least, all that you may need to apply this method to). For that user you'll need to create an API token ID/Key pair; these values should be set at in your device tree as the values of properties apiaccessid.key and apiaccesskey.key - ideally at the root level but certainly, again, to apply to any device you want the DataSource to apply to. You'll also need to create a third device property, snmp.communities.pass, whose value should be a comma separated list of your possible community strings, with no extraneous space - e.g. communityString1,snmpStringForMonitoring,m0n1t0r1n6,communityRO. This value can be set globally and/or at subgroup levels as appropriate. Be aware that each incorrect community string will add a few seconds to the script execution time, as each one has to time out, so large lists and high-frequency polling intervals could cause problems. Be sensible, and limit the content of snmp.communities.pass to only the values that will exist within the groups it's being set for. This DataSource will apply to any device that has or inherits snmp.communities.pass, and *either* has no system.sysinfo *or* is known to be an SNMP device. This means the script will test the various community strings against any device that is as yet not identified, or has previously responded to SNMP (but possibly no longer is). The script will attempt to get SNMP data from the Interfaces table of the device, as the vast majority of SNMP devices reveal this data. If the configured value works, no action is taken. If doesn't work, but exactly one of the other options in snmp.communities.pass does, then the API is called and the 'correct' community string is added to the Device. The DataSource will run this check every 5 minutes (which can of course be altered) such that any changes to the SNMP community string of the actual device can be caught and the Device in LogicMonitor updated, provided the new community exists in the csv list you've defined. *Important:* As with any .pass, .password, .key, or property, the value shown in the UI will be obscured as eight stars or blobs. You *cannot* simply add further text to the existing stored string; if you need to add another value to the csv list you will have to replace the whole list. E.g. If you store 'communityString1,snmpStringForMonitoring' in snmp.communities.pass, then want to add m0n1t0r1n6 and communityRO later, you cannot simply edit the field and paste ',m0n1t0r1n6,communityRO' onto the blobs - that would save as '********,m0n1t0r1n6,communityRO'. You'd have to delete the blobs and paste in 'communityString1,snmpStringForMonitoring,m0n1t0r1n6,communityRO' (without the quotes). *More Important:* Note that by adding the apiaccessid.key and apiaccesskey.key properties into your account, other DataSources could equally make use of their rights. Clearly, you will already have limited access into the Settings area of LogicMonitor such that only trusted users can create or modify LogicModules, or access the Collectors, using LogicMonitor's RBAC abilities. v1.0.0: GWHLED103Views0likes2CommentsPropertySource - Cisco_Product_Info
A first pass at creating a Cisco_Product_Info PropertySource, credit to Brandon McEarchern for finding the OID used in this LogicModule. This OID responds for many Cisco devices (routers, switches, ASAs), but not all. Quote Retrieves entPhysicalSerialNum from Cisco devices, saving the value to auto.entPhysicalSerialNum property. LM Locator: JR3ZFA4Views0likes6CommentsUptime - Bug Report
I’d like to re-initiate this bug report. The Uptime resetting counters at 497 days or 469 days (historical) I just had a similar false alarm telling me that my devices rebooted, when they did not. Please have the DEV team review this specific monitor and determine how the system can display 497+ days “uptime” --------------------------------- ________________________________________ SEP 11, 2015 | 01:56PM CDT Original message ________________ wrote: Support team at logic monitor, Is it possible to request adjustment to the "Uptime" data source monitor so that it does not alert when the counter resets from 11111111111111111111111111111111 to 00000000000000000000000000000001 The developer was aware enough of the event cause to code explanation in to the system alert: could the alert be altered to not-alert when the counter resets? - ________________ From: ________________ Sent: Friday, September 11, 2015 2:44 PM To: Subject: SC# Error: 6348 ________________ is reporting it has only been up for 0.43 minutes Hello ________________ , We have received the following monitoring alert and a ticket #6348 has been created to track your issue. An engineer is assigned and is working to resolve this issue. Thank you. We are investagating if the VM really did reboot or if this alert is coming up for a different reason: ________________is reporting it has only been up for 0.43 minutes, as of 2015-09-11 14:28:48 EDT. If this was an unexpected reboot, please investigate the system logs. NOTE: if ________________has been up for 469 days without a reboot, this alert will trigger due to a counter wrap in the host. In this case, you may disregard this alert. (But the host is probably due for an OS update.) For any inquiries please contact our NOC at<> or call 1-855-485-8324 (TECH). Regards, ________________ NOC Support Engineer35Views0likes1Comment