Method to specify TITLE of Graph in Reports
We need a way to be able to specify the Title of any graph when we are creating reports. The OOTB method uses a very un-discernable title for something simple as CPU USAGE. It displays: "WinCPU with instance * on datapoint CPUBusyPercent". Any client looking at this report is going to ask WTH does this mean? We need a way to be able to specify the %TITLE% on each Datasource we specify when building a report. IF you can add a column to the DataPoints section called Title: Example in the above report each category is titled with: CPU Usage % title is: WinCPU with instance * on datapoint CPUBusyPercent Memory Usage % title is: WinOS with instance * on datapoint MemoryUtilizationPercent Disk Usage % title is: WinVolumeUsage- with instance * on datapoint PercentUsed Bandwidth In: WinIf- with instance * on datapoint BytesReceivedPerSec Bandwidth Out: WinVolumeUsage- with instance * on datapoint PercentUsed None of these titles make any sense to anyone who's trying to read the graphs. Can we please just have a way to specify the title.12Views2likes0CommentsReports UI - Users with View access SHOULD NOT see reports generated by other users
I love the Reports UI but my users who have only View access to Reports or any given Report Group SHOULD NOT be able to see the reports generated by other users. The previously generated reports are great, but they are hosted in S3 and don't check against the user roles we have assigned to our users. We have a common set of reports that all of our clients use and when they run them on-demand in the old UI, that's all they get--that particular run. Client ABC can now see a version of a report that was run by Client XYZ by clicking on a link. Not good. Making all runs of a report available for all users with access to those reports creates a management headache.18Views1like1CommentBetter UI for Report Filters
We waste a lot of productive time trying to figure out GLOB expressions, or supporting our non-programmer users with GLOB expressions. It would be super awesome if you could simply give us something based on the device tree navigator control from the Role definition editor view, so users can use that to select resource groups to include in a report. We prefer to give our users self service abilities, but GLOBs mean users have to come to engineering when they need to filter information from a report.6Views0likes0CommentsAllow Automated Reports to Generate Regardless of User
Having spoken with John via chat session, and discovering the cause of reports generating with blank data, it was discovered that a user that was no longer with the company was the last person who had modified a report. The feature being requested is to simply allow reports to run and send out as they are scheduled, regardless of the user that put them in place. While simply touching the reports and saving them with a different user does allow it to function, does not fix the root cause. While the rest of LM datasources, dashboards, and graphs function regardless of creating user, the reports should continue to function as configured as well.8Views1like2CommentsReports - Device Inventory - Why define a datasource?
Scenario -- I have a device group with a mix of AWS EC2 with Local Collector, EC2 with only the cloud collector, RDS instances, and Load Balancers. I went and created a device inventory report to grab some info about EC2 tags. It asks for a datasource, so I've tried a few--"Ping", "HostStatus", "AWS_EC2". No matter which I select, the resulting report has all devices--EC2, ELBs, RDS--regardless of the datasource selection. So obviously the datasource selection in this report type doesn't mean what I think it means. So what is this option used for?23Views0likes1CommentSLA report based on device uptime during "Last calendar Month"?
Hello! My challenge is how to calculate proper SLA time (in minutes) during the last calendar month. Currently the Threshold must be set manually. The problem is that many months have different amount of minutes so single value might not give 100% correct result. Having dynamic thresholds would be much better option. Thank you!19Views0likes1CommentReports - Provide Raw Data & not convert to "K"'s
When exporting a report to CSV, it is converting #'s and adding a "K" behind them, instead of providing the actual #. For example, 1708 is being turned into 1.71K. I would just like to have the actual # & not have it turned into a text value, rounded, and a "K" added to it (difficult to use in Excel).12Views2likes0Comments