Display more details on graph datapoints
Many of the graph points in LogicMonitor hold descriptions of what the data supports. IE: for status 1=OK, 2=Down. Some of these are very long descriptions and when users are mousing over the graph they can only see a bit of this information. In order form to know what all the options are, they have to dig into datasources to figure out what is being reported. I suggest to either expand the data to show everything when you mouse over the datapoint, or allow a function of the graph to extend the side and print the description off the side of the graph if the user wants to see. This can be used in so many ways and is much more user friendly then having a user dig into the bowels of the tool to find what a number like 8 means when collected.4Views1like0CommentsInterface Utilization Graphs in percentages
We have a need to build interface utilization graphs in both BPS and Percentages. We are a Managed Service Provider and most of our customers want graphs in percentages instead of or in addition to the default LogicMonitor datasource graphs in BPS. So far I haven't found anything in the knowledge base telling how to do this. Having said that most of the other monitoring systems I've used give the option of displaying this perf data in both formats out of the box19Views0likes3CommentsCustomized Juniper Interface datasources
I've published these customized interface datasources for use with Juniper Networks' switches and routers. Combined with additional snmp configuration of the devices, these have helped make Juniper devices a little easier to deal with. I think there is much room for additional customization to permit further grouping. NOTES: in all three the Collection schedule is unchanged but the Discovery period has been reduced to the minimum (10 minutes), which may not be necessary for all use-cases/environments. none of the default datapoints (normal and complex) were removed or edited in any way "snmp64_If_juniper_VCP_interfaces" does not capture every single VCP port in VC larger than 2 members. Additional investigation is needed to understand how Juniper makes VCP accessible via snmp, and whether or not it is possible to discover and monitor every such instance. snmp64_If_juniper_logical: MM6C96 snmp64_If_juniper_physical: WZ2AZC snmp64_If_juniper_VCP_interfaces: YZ42H77Views0likes0CommentsAuto assign interface to instance group
Hello All, I have been tasked with creating a new datasource that will assign a device's interface to a specific instance group based o the description of the interface. Is there a way to auto assign the interface using the description LM pulls from the device? For example, if you look at the attached picture, you will see there are two instance groups, Critical Interfaces and Unmonitored. We would like to be able to have LM automatically assign an interface to the Critical Interface group if the interface has "CI" at the beginning of the description. All other interfaces would automatically be assigned to the unmonitored group if they lack this designation.13Views0likes1CommentTop N Interface Report Option on Bandwith Report
Have the ability to select on the Bandwidth Report the Top N (10, 50, 100) Interfaces for Utilisation based on the Average. Many of our customers are only concered with highly utilised lines for capacity puposes, and dont want to see every interface thats monitored. Additionally a nice to have would be to be able to filter against the Interface Description / IfAlias so the we can report only on things labelede.g. "ACCESS" circuits2Views0likes0Comments