Method to specify TITLE of Graph in Reports
We need a way to be able to specify the Title of any graph when we are creating reports.The OOTB method uses a very un-discernable title for something simple as CPU USAGE. It displays: "WinCPU with instance * on datapoint CPUBusyPercent". Any client looking at this report is going to ask WTHdoes this mean? We need a way to be able to specify the %TITLE% on each Datasource we specify when building a report. IF you can add a column to the DataPoints section called Title: Example in the above report each category is titled with: CPU Usage % title is: WinCPU with instance * on datapoint CPUBusyPercent Memory Usage % title is:WinOS with instance * on datapoint MemoryUtilizationPercent Disk Usage % title is:WinVolumeUsage- with instance * on datapoint PercentUsed Bandwidth In:WinIf- with instance * on datapoint BytesReceivedPerSec Bandwidth Out:WinVolumeUsage- with instance * on datapoint PercentUsed None of these titles make any sense to anyone who's trying to read the graphs. Can we please just have a way to specify the title.8Views2likes0CommentsHow to get the aggregate values from the dashboard
I have a graph widget, which shows the trend of CPU usage for last 24 hours. At the bottom of the graph, I can see the aggregate values like, min, max and average which is calculated for the whole time period selected. Please refer the highlighted part in the attached screenshot. I need those aggregation values of each panel in the dashboard, to be send to email on daily basis. I guess I can get this with the help of option called `Report`. I have gone through the LM document which explains about creating Report on LogicMonitor. But I am not sure that is the way to do. Could anyone please let me know if there is any other way to gothis.24Views0likes4Comments"Column" type graph use
Has anyone found any good use for graph's "Column" mode (vs line, area or stack)? Over most periods it either just merges into something that looks like Area, and over shorter periods it can look like lots of spikes. I can think of various items that would nice to report with a column/bar chart but only with the latest values of DataPoints. I'm not aware of a way to setup a graph to only show the latest values though and not over time.5Views0likes0CommentsInclude Graphs in alert messages
Hey All, Couldn't find a way to do this using the alert tokens available so I figured I would post it here. I noticed some cool features from other monitoring tools that allow graphs to be sent in the alert body to PagerDuty. So when I receive a PagerDuty page from LM it would be nice to see the associated graph with the data point that is alerting. While just the alert text is good enough for most scenarios I think seeing how big of a jump/spike the data point made before alerting would be useful. The alert "C drive is 90% full" is all fine and good but when you see a graph showing it go from 12% to that 90% in just a minute or two then you know something is really up and might need more expediency as it will probably continue to fill up at that rate.8Views1like2CommentsDashboard graph widgets - aggregate by instance name / device group name
We have several clustered devices where metrics are gathered on each node. However, the instances across each node are identical. When attempting to graph this data, this means that I would need to add a new datapoint for each instance and use a glob pattern to select the devices from which to pull those instances. This can mean that a lot of time goes into creating these graphs if there are several instances to monitor.Examples: Three Solr nodes - each servicing search requests for the same 10 collections. In order to see the total number of GET requests for each of those collections, I would need to create a graph that has 10 individual datapoints. Instead, I would like to add one datapoint and have the graph intelligently aggregateall instances that have the same name, regardless of the node. Several device groups exist under a parent group. If I want to see the average CPU utilization across each of these groups on a single graph, I would need to add a separate datapoint for each group. A potential solution could be to allow the integration of regex instead of glob patterns to allow for capture groups. Otherwise a simple checkbox for "aggregate instances by device group" and"aggregate instances by instance names" when selecting aggregatedgraph types would be extremely useful and time-saving.11Views0likes0CommentsHow to make a graph to display the monthly growth percentage of a metric
I have a metric which gives me the Disk size of my data system. I would like to know the value of Size growth of the data system for each month in percentage. For eg: During June month it is 4 GB and during July it may be 4.5 GB. So 0.5 GB has been increased for this month. I need that data to be find and display as growth percentage. Is it possible to make use of Virtual datapoint in this case? Can I get any suggestions to achieve this please.5Views0likes0CommentsTime Range tab and Custom timespan of Graph
Our organization is new to LM, and I was working on an issue today that required looking at different time spans to see the delta over a week, month, and longer for a particular trend. I noticed that the "Custom" option in the drop-down list above was grayed out, so I looked at other graph types and found they all were grayed out for Custom. I consulted the Help topics but didn't find an explanation, so I contacted support. They explained that prior to expanding the Graph, I could utilize the Time Range tab at the top of the page to specify my custom time span. At that point, Custom in the drop-down is enabled for selection and returns the specified range. My two suggestions or request for enhancements would be to please trigger the Time Range screen (attached) upon selection of Custom from the drop-down menu, and also that after I viewed the Custom time span, if I selected any other predefined span (like Last 30 days), Custom was again grayed out, and I had to return to the previous screen to set it once more. This made the process of viewing last 4 weeks, then 5, then 6 up through last 12 weeks very inefficient and ungainly to navigate through.4Views0likes0CommentsCustom Graph - customisable X axis
Hi, The custom graph could do with being a bit more customisable. Presently the X-axis is alway time. This is often useful but not always. It would be great to be able to define what's on the X-axis either just in terms of values or from datapoints. This was found whilst trying to create a dashboard to show disk space usage in a visually meaningful way. Thanks Mike6Views0likes2CommentsAdd "show totals" to Custom graph widget
When looking at a graph widget's legend, you get the option to "Show Boundries". When this item is checked "min=xx | max=xx | avg=xx" is displayed next to the bottom label. I would like to add a total=xxx item to the boundryso "min=xx | max=xx | avg=xx" becomes"min=xx | max=xx | avg=xx | total=xxx" Our business model is transactional, so we track transactionsper second, transactions per minute, and transactions per billing cycle. PRTG allows us to track all of that. LogicMonitor cannot provide us with an answer for transactions per billing cycle. I have attempted to get this info from reports as well, but there does not seem to be a way to do this. The Aggregate-sumfeature will not work because it changes the graph scale (ex: 250 txn/second = 15000 txn/minute.) PRTG has this feature built in, and Our Management team uses this for a few things, namely cross checking our internal txn logging systems, and moreimportantly, reporting transactionalstatistics to our Partners. I can't decommission PRTG until there is some solution for this, either a report, or preferably in the graph widget (because the Reports from Graphs feature is awesome). We will continue to provide PRTG graphs to our (VERYhigh profile) Partners. I look forward to the day our Partners see the graph signature change from PRTG to LogicMonitor Thank you for your consideration.5Views0likes0Comments