LogicModules, Exchange, Kubernetes
A week or two ago, I opened a ticket about Kubernetes modules with support. I was having a hard time finding things in the LogicModules section for Kubernetes, but at the time I didn't realize that UIv4, which is required now for LogicModules, split out installation to Exchange and management to My Modules Toolbox. Ultimately chatting with support, and really reading about UIv4 modules from some of your old posts here, I figured out that install and management are split out. At least I think that's the case. But I also asked LM in that conversation if there exists documentation on each Kubernetes module (answer: no) and also why there are 13 installed on my portal and 96 that aren't, and I asked if I really had to install 96 modules from the Exchange. I got a screenshot showing a portal (couldn't tell if it was mine due to the top not being present) of the Toolbox with all 100+ modules, but on my portal, I just see 13 installed and 96 different ones on Exchange. Twice I was given this link ( https://www.logicmonitor.com/support/modules-management ) in my conversation so I assume that I'm completely misunderstanding something, because I've read that document a dozen times before. I need to start acting instead of scratching my head. But I'm aware I'm probably missing something important. We have no Kubernetes clusters installed, I see 13 up-to-date modules for it in my portal, and 96 in the Exchange. And I know none of the applies-to conditions are met (yet) on my portal But the Kubernetes doc I found is about how to install a cluster, with a one-liner up top on that page saying to install the Kubernetes logicmodules ( https://www.logicmonitor.com/support/monitoring/containers/kubernetes/adding-your-kubernetes-cluster-into-monitoring ). It mentions using the repository, but its hard for me to be sure how many because its harder to search. TL;DR: Is there any reason I shouldn't install these 96 Kubernetes modules? If you don't feel you can say, no worries. I let myself get paranoid. If nobody told me otherwise, I'd just install all of them from Exchange, and then start adding a cluster using the docs for that. However the large number of modules makes me hesitate, and my seeming misunderstanding in the support ticket.Apologies for my ignorance. Thanks for your time.Solved62Views2likes3CommentsWhen Will My Module Toolbox Work Properly?
So we recently received a banner in one of our portals stating that in a future release the LogicModules section will no longer be available. This concerns us greatly as I noticed something after I just had a new portal spun up. I logged in, went to the Modules section in the new UI and told it to show me all of our outdated items. Nothing shows up. I then went into the Exchange, told it to show me all of the Installed and Update Available. Nothing shows. I also checked for anything Official that isn’t installed, and nothing shows up. So I naturally go the legacy route, load up DataSources, and tell it to look at the repository. Lo and behold, I have 85 DataSources. Some are new, some are updated. We were told at one point that the Modules/Toolbox/Exchange area look at a different repository, so we gave the benefit of the doubt and checked one of the new modules and an updated module, and both were 3 months old and not showing up in the new UI. Stu brought up some concerns as well in Updates to modules showing in repo but not modules toolbox | Community (logicmonitor.com), but I didn’t want to necro post with a slightly different issue.260Views12likes8CommentsCode review for modules in the exchange
@Michael Rodrigues , is there anything on the roadmap to increase the visibility of modules that are currently in review in the exchange? Has there been any official workflow created at LM where someone actually is responsible for checking these in a timely manner? https://community.logicmonitor.com/product-discussions-22/pulling-ssl-certs-from-a-local-certificate-store-3439125Views11likes2CommentsExchange 2010 Unread Mail Count
This datasource will return the number of unread items in a mailbox. Works with Exchange 2010 OWA, may work with other versions. Requirements: Exchange 2010, OWA. Set the property mailboxcount.alias for each mailbox you want to monitor, an instance will be created. You also need EWSUtil.dll, a quick Google should suffice. Locator: WXAJMW0Views1like6CommentsExchange Online and Hybrid Exchange monitoring?
Curious what folks are doing to monitor their Exchange Online instances and/or hybrid on-prem Exchange Online implementations? I'm aware of the Email RTT and Email TT datasources which sound useful but require IMAP connections. Besides RTT and TT, it would be good to see MS Online domain controller response time, a login time, and network latency as well. It would be nice to be able to do this internally to our network and externally from an LM datacenter.20Views0likes5Comments