Forum Discussion

Joe_Williams's avatar
10 months ago

When Will My Module Toolbox Work Properly?

So we recently received a banner in one of our portals stating that in a future release the LogicModules section will no longer be available. This concerns us greatly as I noticed something after I just had a new portal spun up. I logged in, went to the Modules section in the new UI and told it to show me all of our outdated items. Nothing shows up. I then went into the Exchange, told it to show me all of the Installed and Update Available. Nothing shows. I also checked for anything Official that isn’t installed, and nothing shows up. So I naturally go the legacy route, load up DataSources, and tell it to look at the repository. Lo and behold, I have 85 DataSources. Some are new, some are updated.

We were told at one point that the Modules/Toolbox/Exchange area look at a different repository, so we gave the benefit of the doubt and checked one of the new modules and an updated module, and both were 3 months old and not showing up in the new UI.

Stu brought up some concerns as well in Updates to modules showing in repo but not modules toolbox | Community (, but I didn’t want to necro post with a slightly different issue.

8 Replies

  • Hi @Joe Williams, did you have the proper filters enabled in Module Toolbox to return all the desired results?

    Here is what it is looks like.

    Definitely looks good from what I can see. 

    The short story is that this is still in development. The great part about the story is that comments like this help our authors (Developers) get closer to a wholesome final chapter.

    It may never be perfect, but the idea is to get better everyday. 

  • So we recently received a banner in one of our portals stating that in a future release the LogicModules section will no longer be available. This concerns us greatly

    Concerns us greatly as well since one of our value-adds is that our LM is always up to date with the most recent security patches and bug fixes available. I used to have modules imported within 1 business day of them being released. 

    Stu brought up some concerns as well in Updates to modules showing in repo but not modules toolbox | Community (, but I didn’t want to necro post with a slightly different issue.

    I have no issue with you necro posting. It’s the same issue: “it doesn’t have the same results as the existing method”

    Hi @Joe Williams, did you have the proper filters enabled in Module Toolbox to return all the desired results?

    One of my big complaints. What are the right filters to do? Is there documentation on how to do that? if it’s the same for everybody, why not make a dashboard for us? Or at least build the filters into the favorites so every user doesn’t have to try to mimic a screenshot. I have 4 saved filters on the toolbox (updated in use, updated not in use, deprecated not in use, deprecated in use) and 2 in the exchange (new, not ready for the light of day (can anyone spell vmware?)). The filter isn’t in the URL either (like it is in LM Logs) so i can’t share a link to a set of modules with another admin. I have the same complaint about alerts: give me a query language like LM Logs. 

    Why are they different places again? Put the “installed/not installed” filter in “my modules” and list everything. Why can i go to the exchange and see “installed & up to date/installed & update available”? Wouldn’t i just see that in “my modules”? If everything is listed in the exchange, why would i use “my modules” at all?

    Previously, i had a datasource that would do the API call every 4 hours to check for updates. That way I’d get notified when there were updates that needed my attention. Are the API endpoints available? No. My module update workflow used to be event driven. Now it can’t be. So i either spend time each week checking for updates that may not be there to stay up to date or I check less frequently and run the risk of being out of date for longer.

    It’s difficult to trust LM anymore. They say, “we’ll make sure we have feature parity before we remove the old capability”, but its debut has been announced without parity in sight. Stop going after new features (dexda?) and fix the broken stuff!

  • Odd, our shows the ones I’ve written/Modified… I’ll check a few more to see different ages of ‘Sources

    (We’re waiting for a specific feature to be able to do a more aggressive update of all of our ‘Sources -- previous teams made adjustments within the ‘Source that we would lose if we just push updates as they sit.  It’ll be a big lift, but should happen soon)

  • Hi @Joe Williams, did you have the proper filters enabled in Module Toolbox to return all the desired results?

    Here is what it is looks like.

  • Hi @Joe Williams, I’ve shared this thread with the team and have a ticket in to have a backend engineer see what’s going on in your account.

    We’ve got some other tasks lined up to find accounts that might have similar discrepancies.

    It is true that the statuses you see in Modules (Toolbox/Exchange) are based off the “registry”, which is the backend component that tracks versioned LogicModules.

    The statuses you see in Import From Repo are generated on the fly by comparing your account’s module set, with that of the “core” logicmonitor portals’ set.

    The ME team publishes all updates in core, such that the registry (and by extension, the Exchange), should give you the same results as Import From Repo.

    I don’t have any plans to do away with v3 until these issues are worked out. The banner intentionally leaves out a date because we haven’t set it yet. However, we do want users using the new stuff and giving us this kind of feedback so that these issues are surfaced while v3 is still there to workaround while we fix.


  • Hi @Joe Williams, did you have the proper filters enabled in Module Toolbox to return all the desired results?

  • @Stuart Weenig we’re probably going to remove the Update capabilities from the Exchange and have it only available from the Toolbox.

    This will cut down on confusion (one place to do updates), and also makes it easier for us to facilitate updating clones ( something we’ve been talking about publicly since at least the first Level Up ).

    You go to Exchange to get new modules to install.

    You go to Toolbox to manage/create/edit/delete modules you already have installed.

    Yes, these were in the same place in v3, but we made the call to separate them in v4.

    I like the idea of including the pre-saved filters for standard queries (update, deprecated, new, etc), it’s just not at the top of the list with the other fixes and fit and finish stuff. Certainly something we can consider adding in 2024.

    I’m not aware of any 4-hourly check on DataSources. We’re doing a daily index of the “in use/not in use” data (which is more advanced than running AT like v3, we actually check for instances now).

    Yes, we did debut the new capabilities, but we haven’t removed the old ones yet. Even in a hypothetical world where software came out perfect on the first iteration, I would hesitant to hit you with a new experience with zero overlap.

  • I’m not aware of any 4-hourly check on DataSources. We’re doing a daily index of the “in use/not in use” data (which is more advanced than running AT like v3, we actually check for instances now).

    That was my datasource that ran against the unsupported /listcore endpoint and parsed out the data as datasource datapoints. I was able to add the numbers as big numbers to my main LM status dashboard and setup alerts to be notified whenever there was an update to be addressed. I’d then run my personal module toolbox script that would pull all the available updates, sort them by action needed, decode (unescape) the scripts, run the diffs with highlights, grab the histories, etc. You’ve seen that output. Unfortunately, since I can’t audit in v3 anymore, that entire workflow is broken and can’t be used anymore. So regardless of not having a date, the fact that the audit capability is gone from v3, my entire worflow is dead and I have to use the toolbox, unready as it is.