Finding Cisco IOS XE CVE-2023-20198 With ConfigSources
On October 16, 2023, Cisco published a vulnerability that affects IOS XE machines running the built-in web server: This is tracked as By adding a simple Config Check to an existing Cisco IOS ConfigSource, LogicMonitor can help people quickly identify which resources have the web server enabled. Here is an example: Name: Cisco-CSCwh87343-Check Check type: "Use Groovy Script" Groovy script: /* The built-in string variable 'config' contains the entire contents of the configuration file. The following example will trigger an alert when the configuration file contains the string "blue". if (config.contains("blue")) { return 1; } else { return 0; } */ if (config.contains("ip http")) { return 1; } else { return 0; } Then trigger this type of alert: Warning Description: "Search for presence of Cisco CSCwh87343 vulnerability" Caveats: -This will apply to all devices where the ConfigSource is used, even though all devices may not be affected by the vulnerability -This assumes usage of ConfigSources and specifically the Cisco_iOS ConfigSource Thanks to Todd Ritter for finding this CVE and Creating the ConfigSource184Views16likes1CommentRetaining attributes while updating LogicModules
Can I also make a feature request to retain the custom thresholds / attributes (user optional, probably by means of a toggle button to choose between overwrite or leave as is ) while updating LogicModules? I did notice related requests from the past and it seems that it is not yet released. /topic/1282-maintain-thresholdsappliesto-when-updating-during-datasource-updates//topic/1180-import-datasource-from-logic-monitor-repository-improvments/5Views1like6CommentsDownloading configsource configs via API
I recently had an incident where the resource was accidentally removed from LM and the next day we needed the configs for the device, because it was removed from LM (and permanently deleted) we couldn't retrieve the configs. I'd like to be able to download the configs via API and store the files somewhere if possible. Has anyone implemented something similar?77Views1like3Comments