Alert Rules Priority Value Duplicates
Is it acceptable for alert rules to have the same priority value if they differ in other properties, such as Group, LogicModule, Instance, or Datapoint? Additionally, can I increase the default alert rule limit from 100 to 1000? If so, will this change affect any alerts that have already been triggered?97Views4likes3CommentsIs there a way to configure an Alert Rule to only match websites OR resources?
If I have a group under Resources called Production, and I have a group under Websites called Production, because LM only matches things based on Text, there doesn’t seem to be any way to specify which of those I want to match. This also means that if I ever rename a group, I will break the alert rule since the text will no longer match, but that’s a different issue. I wanted to make a catch-all group for resources and one for websites, for anything that isn’t being picked up by an alert rule. But I want them to go to different places which doesn’t seem like it’s possible, unless I’m overlooking something. Thanks.Solved134Views19likes3CommentsAlert Rule Syntax
Hi, Because LM uses Text-based matching, I know it’s picky about how you configure alert rules with regards to /s and *s in the Group field. I just want to make sure I understand this right. I pulled a list of every alert we’ve gotten for the last year, and compared that to our list of Alert Rules, and found some problems. I noticed we have some things setup incorrectly in our portal and we might be missing alerts. Scenario: Let’s say I have a group called Production Servers. Inside that group I have groups for Web Servers, App Servers, and Database Servers. Let’s also say each of those sub groups have other sub-groups inside of them. Each of the groups has servers in them. If I have an alert rule set with group “Production Servers”, will that find servers that are in the Production Servers group but not in the sub groups? If I have an alert rule set with group “Production Servers*”, will that find servers that are in the Production Servers group AND in any of the sub groups? If I have an alert rule set with group “Production Servers/*”, will that only find servers that are in the sub groups, but not servers that are in Production Servers? Are there any other variations on that I should keep in mind? Thanks!80Views5likes3Comments