Is there a way to configure an Alert Rule to only match websites OR resources?
If I have a group under Resources called Production, and I have a group under Websites called Production, because LM only matches things based on Text, there doesn’t seem to be any way to specify which of those I want to match. This also means that if I ever rename a group, I will break the alert rule since the text will no longer match, but that’s a different issue.
I wanted to make a catch-all group for resources and one for websites, for anything that isn’t being picked up by an alert rule. But I want them to go to different places which doesn’t seem like it’s possible, unless I’m overlooking something.
This can actually be accomplished using the LogicModule filter in your alert rules. All website related alerts are associated with a “website” LogicModule. Because of this, we can configure a rule to match only Website alerts by specifying “website” in the LogicModule filter, or vice versa, exclude website alerts with a negative pattern match “!website” in the filter.