Forum Discussion

lucjad's avatar
Icon for Neophyte rankNeophyte
7 months ago

Volume Capacity- Drive is missing

Some servers are not monitoring J Drives anymore. There is J Drive in Physical Disks but not in Volume Capacity. In Audit Logs there is information about new instances being found and some instances disappeared from host but there's no explanation why. Drive exists on the host. I attached screenshot.

In Global Definition I run Active Discovery on WinVolumeUsage and there were discovered Drives except the J Drive. Also, received a Active Discovery- 3 instances being filtered out- I attached screenshot. 

Were there any recent changes in Logic Monitor? I didn't update any modules so that is not a cause. 

  • Anonymous's avatar

    That part of the UI lacks discoverability, but each of those filter rules can be clicked on to show which items were filtered out by that rule. That will let you know if the instances are not discovered because they do not meet the criteria to pass through the filter.

    • lucjad's avatar
      Icon for Neophyte rankNeophyte

      I clicked on the J Drive and it says Filtered Out Messages of Capacity Greater Than 0. This Drive's Volume was monitored for months and now it's just not there. 

      • Anonymous's avatar

        Is there any reason WMI would think that the drive has 0 capacity?

  • I had this issue.

    Get-WmiObject Win32_Volume | Select-Object Name,Cap*

    Drives showed that were missing had 2 extra integers from the ones that were showing up.
    I changed greater from 0 to exists  in the volume capacity module and the drives showed up.

    • fadeinthemix's avatar
      Icon for Neophyte rankNeophyte

      But there were empty/
      I checked my Local account admin and it was in capacity. But the Script that ran non admin account  doesn't have it.
      As a test I will grant Local Admin to the service account