Forum Discussion

Shack's avatar
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2 days ago

New Support Portal Suggestions

New Support Portal Suggestions

  • Can the default sort order display the most recent tickets at the top?  I do not need to see my oldest tickets at the top.
  • Can a few date columns be added?  Date Opened, Date Updated, Date Resolved  Then I want to be able to add them or hide them from my list view.
  • Can the ticket comments, correspondence and history be included in the email notification I receive when an update to a ticket has been made?
  • I think its important to be able to correspond to tickets via email.  Can we have that back?
  • For organizational tickets - I see a contact name field but in my portal they are all blank.  Will those be populated?

  • I was just going to come look for a Feedback post about the new support portal because it really needs work.  I guess I can email my account rep, but I'll post here too.

    1. The chat no longer tells me where I am in the queue, like it used to.  When the AI bot transfers me to a person, it just says "Transferring" with some dots moving, but it looks like I'm stuck in limbo.  No indication I'm in a queue, no indication where in the queue I am , nothing.
    2. There is no long any Sound when someone chats with me.  Due to item 1, I can't sit there and stare at my screen for the next 2 hours, I have other things to do.  I need to have it play a sound, like it used to, so I know that someone has answered my chat.

    There are other things, but those are the two biggest problems that I see.

    I also agree that having the oldest tickets at the top is dumb and should be changed.

    I don't like how I have to "Share" an update to the ticket instead of Posting it or just typing and clicking OK.  It took me a while to figure out how to post a note asking for an update.

    Email notifications should always include what the latest notes were.  And yes, being able to reply to the email to update the ticket is nice.

    I absolutely *hate* when a company "upgrades" their system and removes the features that everyone relied on.

    • Kelemvor's avatar
      Icon for Expert rankExpert

      Also, is it possible to open a ticket via email somehow?  Many time I want to type out a description, have screenshots, and lots of detail to explain a specific problem and doing that via Chat isn't appropriate.  I can't find a way to just create a ticket directly.

      • Kelemvor's avatar
        Icon for Expert rankExpert

        This is also necessary so I can open a ticket without sitting on hold for an hour just to do so.  I need a form I can fill out but the link I found on the website goes to Zendesk and doesn't work.  *sigh*