3 years ago
NetFLow config for Cisco Nexus NXOS devices?
I had a netflow config on my Nexus 7004's on NXOS that worked with Scrutinizer, but it not sending templates I guess to LM so it will not see them.
flow timeout active 120
flow timeout inactive 32
flow timeout fast 32 threshold 100
flow timeout session
flow timeout aggressive threshold 75
flow exporter Scrutinizer
transport udp 2055
source loopback0
version 9
template data timeout 0
option exporter-stats timeout 1800
option arp-table timeout 1800
option sampler-table timeout 900
sampler Scrutinizer-Sampler
mode 1 out-of 1
flow monitor Scrutinizer_monitor
record netflow-original
exporter Scrutinizer
I checked that the source of my flows is the same as the monitored IP in LM. I did a tcpdump to check that the flows are bursting to the collector I chose (dedicated to NetFlow)
Does anyone have a working Nexus NetFLow with LM I can see your config?