Forum Discussion

rszewczyk's avatar
Icon for Neophyte rankNeophyte
10 months ago

Customizing Alert Message for Integrations - Question.


Did anyone figured out a way to build you own alert message for a datapoint? 

I know you can use 'Customized' option in DataPoint's Alert Messsage or modify a message template but those do not affect ##MESSAGE## tag being used in Integrations. 

My walkaround was to create separate integrations for specific DataSources I care about and dropping ##MESSAGE## tag all together. 

Am I stupid or there is no easy way to do it? 

    • rszewczyk's avatar
      Icon for Neophyte rankNeophyte

      Thank you. I think it is not possible atm to have those customized. 

      Even if I go to use all the tokens to build my own message (which I do btw for my integrations), I still get additional metadata lines in every ticket description like:

      Alert Rule: This alert matches the rule Error Alerts
      Recipients: Alert now is going to stage 1 recipients:  servicenow_********(_ServiceNow Integration - Production)

      which are confusing for clients.

      • Anonymous's avatar

        Yep, and I too which those could be customized. Also the subject line contains the alert ID, which cannot be removed. 

  • Hi, rszewczyk 

    According to our documentation, the ##message## token relates to "The rendered text of the alert message. This token will also pass all relevant acknowledged information (e.g., the user that acknowledged the alert, ack comments, etc.)." 

    However, there are other tokens that can be used with integrations to craft a custom Alert Message.

    Have you seen this article? 

    • rszewczyk's avatar
      Icon for Neophyte rankNeophyte

      Thank you. Yes. I am aware of those tokens. 

      What I want to achieve here is to set specific Descriptions for tickets generated by LM depending on what Datapoint and Data source they are coming from. 

      Basically I want to do in ticket what I can already do i Alert Emails. To define my own ##MESSAGE## value. 


  • Darn. I was afraid it was like that. I really couldn't be arsed to start figuring out how LM has enabled Webhooks either. Hopefully they'll allow us to cut those footnotes at some point. They're currently eating doubling up the length of the message. 

    Ping LogicMonitor 

    • Anonymous's avatar

      Webhooks aren't hard. Look in Settings >> Integrations.

      • raaweni's avatar
        Icon for Neophyte rankNeophyte


        Yeah I know. I've used them before with Zabbix. Then again LM is saying they might drop the support for them in the future. But... Webhooks are much better than the current situation.

  • Hi! I didn't. Only thing you can customize is the message but those footnotes are there to stay :-(

  • Anonymous's avatar

    Using webhooks, you totally can. But if you send it via email, the subject gets prepended and the body gets appended. There's nothing you can do about it (which sucks).

  • Hijacking this thread. :) 

    Did you get this sorted out somehow? I'm very annoyed about the extra stuff the alert messages dump in the end ie. the "Alert Rule: This alert..." as well as the Recipients info. I really, really want to cut those out.

    Earlier using Webhooks between Zabbix and Slack it was easy to customise the message to whatever I wanted, but I can't seem to be able to do it with this LM App.