Forum Discussion

Dominique's avatar
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4 years ago

Active Discovery Script "SPLIT"?


I have the following Active Discovery script:

far the Active Discovery script is:

##--------------- Discovery ------------------##
$pshost = Get-Host              # Get the PowerShell Host.
$pswindow = $pshost.UI.RawUI    # Get the PowerShell Host's UI.

$newsize = $pswindow.BufferSize # Get the UI's current Buffer Size.
$newsize.width = 800            # Set the new buffer's width to 800 columns.
$pswindow.buffersize = $newsize # Set the new Buffer Size as active.

$newsize = $pswindow.windowsize # Get the UI's current Window Size.
$newsize.width = 800            # Set the new Window Width to 800 columns.
$pswindow.windowsize = $newsize # Set the new Window Size as active.

$readOnly     = [System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.OpenFlags]"ReadOnly"
$localMachine = [System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.StoreLocation]"LocalMachine"
$store        = new-object System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Store( "\\##SYSTEM.SYSNAME##\my", $localMachine )

$store.Open( $readOnly )

$store.Certificates `
| Select-Object { `
  $_.Thumbprint + "##" `
  + $_.Issuer + "##" `
+ $_.Subject + $_.Issuer + "##" `
+ "##" `
+ "cert.issuer=" + $_.Issuer `
+ "&cert.friendlyname=" + $_.FriendlyName `
+ "&cert.serialnumber=" + $_.SerialNumber `
+ "&cert.thumbprint=" + $_.Thumbprint `
+ "&cert.split=" + {(($_.Issuer -split ",") |? {$_ -like "CN=*"}) -replace "CN="}
} `
| Format-Table -HideTableHeaders


I am getting the friendlyname, serialnumber, thumbprint are appearing in info on the device and could be used in the report but I do not get the split ... what is wrong with it?



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