Needed Features for Network Topology Mapping
We need the ability to create topology map of our switches and routers showing the actual links between interfaces on the devices and showing the latest InMbps / OutMbps datapoints for each interface. The goal is to have a live network map for networks likeInternet Service Provider networks, to be able to visualize the active state of the network and the bandwidth utilization and alert status of each device and interface / link. We need to be able to do the following: - Manually add the switch and router resources to the map. - Once the resource is on the map, click on the resource on the map and select an interface instance from the "network interfaces" LogicModule to add to a "Link". Then drag over to, or select, the connected resource, and select the associated interface instance from the "network interfaces" LogicModule on the second device. - This will visually show a link between the two devices, and the InMbps and/or OutMbps datapoints should be displayed over the link on each end of the link. - The color of each half or end of the link should also change based on the highest active alert level for the associated "network interfaces" instance on that end of the link. So for example, If we have Router1 interface GigEth0/1 connected to Router2 GigEth0/2, and Router1 GigEth0/1 has an active warning level alert for InBroadcastPkts, then that half of the line representing the link, should turn to yellow. - It's not enough to simply outline the resource with a color based on the alert level of the resource. We need to visually see each desired interface / link on the map and see visually which interface(s) is/are alerting. LogicMonitor has done an absolutely outstanding job of giving us immense flexibilty in how we can represent any datapoint on widgets on dashboards. But when it comes to the Topology mapping, we’re severely limited in how we can represent the exact same datapoints visually on the map. Also, for these kind of use-cases, people managing these kinds of network generally already know how their devices are connected, or can easily identify the connectivity. We don’t really need LogicMonitor to automatically detect connections between devices, because that’s too big of a challenge to automate that well. We just need to be able to manually say, “This interface on this device connects to this interface on this device. That’s a link.” The link itself is actually comprised of two sides, each being an instance on theresource’s LogicModule. And it could be “Interfaces 64 bit” or “Network Interfaces” or whatever other LogicModule we need. When we make w widget, we can select whatever LogicModule and Instance we need. We should be able to do the same thing on the topology map.193Views26likes12CommentsCustom button/link on an alarm or custom menu on a device
Custom button on an alarm or custom menu on a device Is it possible to add a custom button onto an alarm to run an action? e.g. where "Explore Maps", "Add Note", "Put in SDT", "Escalate", "Acknowledge" are located. Is it possible to add an item to the device view? e.g. when go to the device and view Host Status, there is an Acknowledge button. Could we add another button here? or could we add another item to the drop down menu? e.g. where "Manage Device", "Add monitored Instance", etc, are displayed. The action for both would be a custom http delivery integration.7Views0likes1CommentDrill-down/Link-to items presented in Widgets
We use dashboards religiously in Logicmonitor - I'd argue they're one of LM's greatest features. When tracking issues or trying to ascertain trends among aggregate charts, drilling down to a single object is non-intuitive. For example, I have a line chart of CPU% for a collection of web servers. All follow a general path/trend, except for an outlier. I'd like to be able to jump straight from the chart demonstrating the outlier and drill down through whatever resources tree i might have. Today, I spend valuable time sifting through many objects to get to that data. My ideal scenario would take me straight to the single-instance version of that line chart for the requested host, making it a single click for me to navigate to other elements that I might suspect are the source of or related to the issue at hand. I hope that makes sense!6Views2likes0CommentsRe-send "new user registration" email button
I think it would be really useful to have a button in every user profile that allows you to "re-send activation email" or "re-send registration email". This way if a user doesn't sign up right away and loses track of the email they got as a new user, you can easily go into their account and re-send that email to them rather than having to reset their password and crafting an email indicating this.10Views0likes0Comments