HTTP / HTTPS Remote Session
Hi All, We have really been enjoying the Remote Management feature of logic monitor. For sites that we don't have a direct interconnect with its great being able to quickly SSH onto our devices to make adjustments or check config without having to open up a separate VPN tunnel. However with HTTP/HTTPS management becoming common with Firewalls, Controllers, Routers etc... I feel there is a huge opportunity to have logic monitor be able to fit almost every management use case by implementing an HTTP/HTTPS remote session functionally in the same way RDP and SSH remote sessions work. We as a company would primarily use this feature for help managing networking Equipment, but functionality would extend to Printers, IPCameras, Security Systems, Phone systems, UPS and many more. Let me know your thoughts, Thanks, Will.13Views4likes1CommentStatusPage.IO Monitoring
I have built a generic StatusPage.IO datasource to allow for monitoring the status of various services we use. Since so many companies are using, I figured it's a good idea to have a heads up in the event there is an outage with one of our many service providers. This has worked well as an early warning system for our service desk guys to know about issues before they start getting calls from end users. LogicMonitor actually uses StatusPage, but of course there are many, many others. Attached is a screenshot of the StatusPage data that we've collected from This datasource should be universal to any site. So far it has worked against every site I have tested it against. NYJG6J19Views2likes0CommentsVariable json content in http integration
Hi all, we implemented custom http integration to create tickets in Jira Servicedesk. This works fine. However, new requirement is to put avariable (##jira.assetid##) inthe content to link the ticket to the correct asset. This works fine when the assetid is set. But when there is no asset id available the integration fails. Is there a way to make this output more dynami? I mean, if the value is set, write the value. If not, just write a default. Our json message (bit redacted): { "fields": { "summary": "##ALERTID## ##LEVEL## - ##HOST## ##DATASOURCE## ##DATAPOINT## ", "issuetype": { "id": "xxxxx" }, "project": { "key": "xxx" }, "description": { "type": "doc", "version": 1, "content": [ { "type": "paragraph", "content": [ { "text": "##MESSAGE## ##ALERTDETAILURL##", "type": "text" } ] } ] }, "customfield_10500": [##jira.organizationid##], "customfield_10681": [ { "workspaceId": "230f10d2-b759-405f-8d38-157edbe9e818", "id": "230f10d2-b759-405f-8d38-157edbe9e818:##jira.assetid##" } ] } }Solved101Views1like3Comments