Retaining attributes while updating LogicModules
Can I also make a feature request to retain the custom thresholds / attributes (user optional, probably by means of a toggle button to choose between overwrite or leave as is ) while updating LogicModules? I did notice related requests from the past and it seems that it is not yet released. /topic/1282-maintain-thresholdsappliesto-when-updating-during-datasource-updates//topic/1180-import-datasource-from-logic-monitor-repository-improvments/5Views1like6CommentsLogicModule Development Recipes
Hello LogicMonitor Community ! Andrey here from LM's Monitoring EngineerTeam. To supplement the suite of scripted LogicModules provided in the LM Support Center, mycolleagues and I havecreated a public GitHub repository with many more examples. Have a look at theLogicMonitor GitHub Repo, where you'll find various recipes for solving common monitoring script problems. Both Groovy and PowerShell examples are included Feel free to comment below with requests and/orsuggestedimprovements. Happy scripting !4Views0likes9CommentsVMware vSphere log monitoring
The Windows EventSources monitoring has been very useful for us, and we were hoping to be able to replicate the same with vSphere's logging (vCenter, vpxd, etc). Right now our only alternative is leveraging VMware's "Log Insight" tool, but we were hoping to have this integrated into LogicMonitor so we're not duplicating monitoring across separate monitoring tools.6Views0likes0CommentsLogging based on number of alerts in a given window
We have regular event log entries which on their own are not substantial, however in bulk they become a problem. It would be beneficial to have a mechanism whereby I can say tell Logicmonitor to alert me differently if it detects a certain number of a specific alert in a time window. I.e. trigger escalation chain '500Errors' when we see <100 errors of event ID "2070" in last 1h.0Views0likes0Comments