ContributionsMost RecentMost LikesSolutionsQuery Database Based on Previous Timestamp One of our developers has been working on an eventsource that queries an oracle database and alerts when certain log messages are found in a particular table. This eventsource is set to run once an hour and not wanting to get duplicate records, she's gone the route of checking that the timestamp of the returned results are greater than (now - 70 minutes). This has been working OK, but it's not perfect and it feels a little hacky. Ideally we could somehow save the latest timestamp or rowid/rownum and use that for the next run. One idea was to set a property, using the LM rests api, on the device this eventsource is applied to, which I think would honestly work out quite well, but it also feels like more work than should be required. So I'm asking the community, has anyone else been in this situation, and if so, how were you able to handle it? Thanks SolvedRe: REST API /service/services - Add Step with Scripted Request/Response Great, Thanks for the quick replies. Any sort of timeline of when we will be expecting the v2 rest api? REST API /service/services - Add Step with Scripted Request/Response I'd like to be able to use the rest api to add service checks that contains steps with a groovy scripted request and/or response. I actually had high hopes that I could just retrieve our service checks with the above API, even the ones with groovy scripts, and see how they were "put together". Strange though, when I call /service/services to retrieve all of our services it ONLY returned the ones which did not have any scripted steps. I went a step further and decided to try and get the details for a service check that I know has a script in there, and here are the results. Response Status: 200 Response Body: { "status" : 1007, "errmsg" : "The step request is script request", "data" : null } At any rate, I did create a ticket, #99267, with support hoping for help on this, but in the end, they mentioned I should create a feature request. Thanks More Granular Role Access I'd like to assign roles down to the server AND datasource level. As of right now I am only seeing an option to lock a role down to specific groups, but I'd like to have this opened up to where you could even select specific servers and specific datasources for those servers. The specific use case is a consultant is helping out and I'd rather not give them access to everything in LogicMonitor, only the two servers they need to look at. I realize there are probably "workarounds" to accomplish this, but it would be a pain to have to move servers to different groups each time we wanted to do something like this.
Top ContributionsREST API /service/services - Add Step with Scripted Request/ResponseMore Granular Role AccessQuery Database Based on Previous TimestampSolvedRe: REST API /service/services - Add Step with Scripted Request/Response