Forum Discussion

wfaulk's avatar
Icon for Neophyte rankNeophyte
3 hours ago

New support site is awful

The AI is worthless.

Once you convince the AI that you need a real person, it switches to "Transferring...", and it's totally unclear if you're in a queue or if the transfer process is broken.

There's no way to just create a case with a normal set of fields. Instead I have to type all my detail into a 15x5 text box.

The AI creates cases for you even if nothing happened in the chat.

There's no way to just close these extraneous cases.


Just a week or two ago, I chatted with a very helpful support agent who understood the problem and tried multiple angles to resolve my issue, and did it all in less time than it's taken me to try and figure out if I'm ever actually going to be transferred or not.

You did a great job of completely ruining that experience.

  • I couldn't agree more.
    No option to sort by date of the ticket.
    No basic web form to open a ticket.
    Being forced to use the useless "AI". 
    Multiple tickets open because of the "AI".

    This is another step backwards for LM at this point. 

    If I'm wrong about any of the above points, I'd appreciate it being pointed out.