Using groovy script to send email (inside a DS or CS)?
We use a resource associated with a specific collector to run scripts using config sources as the mechanism. One of the scripts I am writing now posts to a “UserDisable_Warning” config source a list of users whose suspension is imminent.
I would like to use the config source to also send an email to the user, but I’m worried I’m going to have to do a bunch of crazy stuff to set up things on the collector. But I’d rather not use the collector’s exchange to send email, because I dont have direct access to it (go figure) and some of the datasources I’ve seen look like a serious pain to use (Email_TransitTime, for example) as a template.
I was wondering if anyone knows a simpler way to send email. When a resource has an alert with an escalation chain that contains an email, I was under the assumption that no exchange server or imap or anything else has to be set up on the collector. Or so I thought.
So I’m kinda hoping there is some easy way to avoid having to set up mail stuff on a collector, and just have that collector, via a groovy script, send an email out somehow. Like in my wildest dreams I would import something, and then do java.pipedream.Email.send (“blah@foo.blah”,”LM expiration for blah@foo.blah”,”Dear Blah,\nYour LM account expires in X days.\n\n--MyCompany”).
Or at least something not reliant on setting up email servers or clients or etc on the collector. Maybe I’m completely off in the wrong direction.
What would be the easiest way to have groovy send an email, preferably with me not having a lot of control of my own collector (even though I’m portal admin; work silos, know what I’m sayin’? :) )?