Forum Discussion

Vitor_Santos's avatar
4 years ago

Script EventSource to grab Traps?? Is it possible?

Hello LM folks,

Due to the fact of LM not suppressing SNMP Traps, we've came up with an idea to do it ourselves (leveraging the API).

However, we need to somehow listen to those traps via Groovy scripting (if possible of course). This doesn't seem doable but, doesn't hurt to ask.

Did anyone accomplished/had this need in the past?


  • We've a Trap server in our environment & all our clients send Traps into it. The problem is that it belongs to our old solution architecture (which we like a lot) but, they'll be shutdown soon.
    Our upper management wants to get rid of those & all the VPN tunnels we've from our DCs to our clients infra (which allowed us to send Traps to a single spot). 

    That's why we're ultimately leveraging a workaround for the stuff we still need to rely on Traps. Never mind, I think we just found a solution.
    We'll receive the duplicated Traps on LM, set the ES to clear them every 5 minutes (which really doesn't matter because we're sending them to SNOW & ignoring the CLEAR events there).

    This way the alert will have to be cleared manually on SNOW & we're also transforming the Event ID (alert id on LM) to be static (this way we only have 1 alarm on SNOW). 
