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AustinC's avatar
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3 years ago

OpenTelemetry Auto-Instrumentation + LogicMonitor Collector?

I'm presently looking into the subject of APM and OpenTelemetry - I'm in a part of the network where I do not directly interact with any applications (outside of collecting metrics from them), and I have been tossing around the idea of going down the OpenTelemetry idea since the Elevate conference. 

Someone kindly informed me of the existence of automatic instrumentation that is available through OpenTelemetry (For reference:

What I DON'T have is an application with which to test this. If I understand correctly, LogicMonitor's agents run on Java (at least, according to the many JAR files used to run the agents :)/emoticons/smile@2x.png 2x" title=":)" width="20" />), and I was wondering if anyone had considered testing APM/OpenTelemetry with the LogicMonitor collector agent. Is this in anyway possible? Has anyone tossed the idea around at all? I don't really know the first thing about getting data out of OpenTelemetry, so I'm tossing around some ideas to help reduce the lift to getting this off the ground -- My last ditch effort would be to simply develop a small application that performs some very simple operations, and to simply wrap the OpenTelemetry JAR around the JVM -- If I can avoid that, I would like to, as I imagine I won't be getting the _true_ APM experience in that case :)/emoticons/smile@2x.png 2x" title=":)" width="20" />

  • Hi Austin! My name is Bowen. I'm a PM at LogicMonitor and oversee our APM product development.

    First, awesome to hear that you made it out to our Elevate conference earlier this month. Second, I'm stoked to hear that you're interested in trying out OpenTelemetry/LM APM. Here is a sample application from Google that we use internally that you can also run to try out APM:

    Alternatively, depending on your level of comfort, we have a number of technical blogs available that walk you through how to set up and instrument a sample application. Here is an example in Flask:

    I'll connect with our teams internally to make sure APM access is enabled in your portal. Thanks!

  • 3 minutes ago, bowenLM said:

    Hi Austin! My name is Bowen. I'm a PM at LogicMonitor and oversee our APM product development.

    First, awesome to hear that you made it out to our Elevate conference earlier this month. Second, I'm stoked to hear that you're interested in trying out OpenTelemetry/LM APM. Here is a sample application from Google that we use internally that you can also run to try out APM:

    Alternatively, depending on your level of comfort, we have a number of technical blogs available that walk you through how to set up and instrument a sample application. Here is an example in Flask:

    I'll connect with our teams internally to make sure APM access is enabled in your portal. Thanks!

    Ahhh! This is perfect! This is so much more than I could have hoped for :)/emoticons/smile@2x.png 2x" title=":)" width="20" /> Thank you, Bowen! I believe we've poked on the idea of opening up APM on our Sandbox instance, but from a licensing perspective, we're pretty far from buying into it. This would be a great opportunity for me to help suss out what's possible and begin collecting data.

    Again, thank you so much! This is absolutely perfect.

  • 22 hours ago, Austin Culbertson said:

    Ahhh! This is perfect! This is so much more than I could have hoped for :)/emoticons/smile@2x.png 2x" title=":)" width="20" /> Thank you, Bowen! I believe we've poked on the idea of opening up APM on our Sandbox instance, but from a licensing perspective, we're pretty far from buying into it. This would be a great opportunity for me to help suss out what's possible and begin collecting data.

    Again, thank you so much! This is absolutely perfect.


    Happy to help! Feel free to reach out at bowen.cai<at>logicmonitor<dot>com if you have any feedback or questions.