Forum Discussion

Vaisu86's avatar
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7 months ago

LM Production Settings and configuration to be import and export from Prod to Dev ?


Is there a way in Logic monitor to configure or transfer the settings and configuration available from production to Dev(Sandbox) Basically the Dev should be the replica of production but limited for testing ?

We have got a new LM sandbox(DEV), we want to configure the settings groups, Custom properties and other configuration which is configured in production to be configure in sandbox(Dev) as well ?

What is the best way to do this process? is there any import export option available ?

    • Anonymous's avatar

      Yeah, you're gonna have to put/patch a ton of stuff using custom scripting from scratch. 

  • Hello, Vaisu86

    From what I know, I don't believe there is an import/export for Settings, Custom properties, and other portal configurations like that. The best option that I know of would be to utilize the API but that could be a lofty task depending on the amount of items to copy over. 

    I will inquire internally if there are other options.