Forum Discussion

CaseyW's avatar
3 years ago

Issue with the "Company" field in ServiceNow integration setup


I am having an issue while setting up my Incident Mgmt integration with ServiceNow. I am able to generate the API key, and authenticate using an account created in ServiceNow. When I get to the ServiceNow settings on the LM platform, there is a required field called "Company" The field will not populate with any options to select. When I begin to type my companies name, a popup tells me to select from dropdown, however there is no dropdown to select anything from. I verified within ServiceNow that there is a "Companies" table with various sites set up as company. I am able to filter through incidents using the "Company" field within ServiceNow as well. I tried typing in a few of the Companies listed in the table exactly how they are shown with no joy. Has anyone experienced this before?


  • Anonymous's avatar

    Just checking bases: when you say "I am able to generate the API key, and authenticate using an account created in ServiceNow," you mean you put the credentials in the "ServiceNow Authentication" section of the wizard and clicked the "Authenticate" button. From that you got a message that authentication was successful?

    If that's the case, I'd reach out to LM support.

  • When I type in my credentials and select "authenticate" , the authentication section of the wizard collapses and lets me continue on to the next section of the wizard. Im assuming that this means authentication works because if I type in invalid credentials, a popup tells me my credentials are incorrect. I reached out to support and they have escalated the issue so hopefully we see some movement soon!

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