Forum Discussion

Kelemvor's avatar
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8 days ago

How is Escalation Chain throttling supposed to work?


We had a power outage at a data center yesterday which obviously caused a whole bunch of alerts.  We have our settings set with 20 alerts over 10 minutes causes the Chains to throttle.  The throttling seems to kick in just fine, but with one big problem.

Instead of LM sending us 100+ tickets about all the things that were down, it decided to send us 100+ tickets telling us the Chain was throttled and it wasn't going to send us ticket any more.

That doesn't seem like it's working how it's supposed to work.  I'd rather get 100 tickets that were for actual alerts than 100 tickets telling me I'm not going to get any more tickets.  Anyone run into this before?

2 Replies

  • Hey there!  Initial review from one of our SMEs is the fact it is generating tickets sounds like something is misconfigured in ServiceNow or what ever your ticketing system is, but I'm going to find someone who can provide more clarity

    • Kelemvor's avatar
      Icon for Expert rankExpert

      We use Zendesk.  What configuration does LM use in order to send the Throttling emails? I assumed it just sends the info to the Escalation Chain, but don't know how often it sends or what else it does that might be creating the mass tickets.  We use Integrations in LM to create tickets in ZD so the only way that would happen is if LM launched the integration over and over or did something else that triggered ZD to create tickets over and over.  If there's something I can check somewhere, let me know.