Forum Discussion

venkat's avatar
Icon for Neophyte rankNeophyte
7 months ago

Email Alerting

Hi All,


Is there any way we can supress the email Alerts i am getting he same email alerting every time the Alert rule runs i want only one email when the Alert is triggered and no email till the aler is cleared.


I have created 3 stages is stage 1 & stage 3 as blank and stage 2 has email ID's to which the alert to be sent.


  • Anonymous's avatar
    7 months ago

    Having the 1st stage blank means that the 2nd stage won't go active until the escalation interval. It automatically inserts an X minute delay before emails go out. 

    As mentioned, if the third stage is blank, you shouldn't be getting repeat emails for the same alert. What has support said?

  • venkat's avatar
    7 months ago

    It is working as expected with stag1 & Stage 3 as blank took some time to have the changes updated.

  • Assuming I am understanding your basic ask in your first sentence, you can set the Alert Rule itself to have an Escalation Interval of "0" (zero) which makes it only send the alert one time to the first stage in the escalation chain, and there should be no repeats, and no escalation unless manually escalated from the alert itself. So you can do a "one-and-done" alert in this way.

    But your stages with 1 & 3 being blank, I cant quite follow the purpose of that, so I can't speak to that.


    • Anonymous's avatar

      Having the 1st stage blank means that the 2nd stage won't go active until the escalation interval. It automatically inserts an X minute delay before emails go out. 

      As mentioned, if the third stage is blank, you shouldn't be getting repeat emails for the same alert. What has support said?

      • venkat's avatar
        Icon for Neophyte rankNeophyte

        It is working as expected with stag1 & Stage 3 as blank took some time to have the changes updated.

  • Acknowledge the alert and then you will see only when the alert will be cleared.