Forum Discussion

Kiyoshi_Egawa's avatar
3 years ago

Collector scripting for access error detection

I would like to make an implementation as follows

1. Get login/logout records from audit log into the text log file

2. Collector monitors the text log file

3. Collector scripting checks login error count for specific users

4. Collector scripting rises an alert when login error count is exceeded in the interval

There is not a lot of information and samples for such Collector scripting.

I am very beginner with LogicMonitor customization and I am not familiar with COllector scripting.

Any technical information , samples and comments will be appreciated.


5 Replies

  • Which audit log are you talking about? If it's the LM audit log, you might consider fetching the audit log via API. That should allow you to fetch only the "signs in" entries. The endpoint and filter would look like this: 


    So, you'll need to do an API call through Groovy to the above endpoint. In the above example, I'm also filtering by a specific timeframe and limiting the results to at most 1000 entries. You might want to change the filter to only catch failures, i'm not sure what the filter text would be as I don't have any recent failures on my portal.

    After you fetch the data, you should be able to go through it and count up the number of failures per user.

    Documentation on that API endpoint:

    This script should get you most of the way there. You'll want to modify the loop so that it counts up login failures per user. Right now it just prints them out. You'll also want to dynamically fill in the happenedOn filter to be the timestamp from however far back you want the failures to be counted. Some helpful Groovy time examples.

    import javax.crypto.Mac
    import javax.crypto.spec.SecretKeySpec
    import org.apache.commons.codec.binary.Hex
    import groovy.json.JsonSlurper
    import com.santaba.agent.util.Settings
    Map credentials = [
      "id"   : hostProps.get(""),
      "key"  : hostProps.get("lmaccess.key"),
      "account": hostProps.get("lmaccount")?:Settings.getSetting(Settings.AGENT_COMPANY)
    Map resources = [
      "logs": ["path": "/setting/accesslogs","details": ["filter": "happenedOn>:1661777168,_all~\"*signs%20in*\"", "size": 1000]],
    if (credentials.account && && credentials.key) {
      resources.each() { k, v ->
        Map headers = generate_headers(, credentials.key, v.path)
        if (headers) {
          Map response = get_response(k, v, credentials.account, headers)
          if (response?.success) {resources[k]["data"] = response.response}
    } else {
      println("Device is not configured with the necessary portal credentials to proceed with API queries.\nExiting Program...")
      return 1
    return 0
    def generate_headers(id, key, path) {
      try {
        // Create encryption signature for authorization request
        Long epoch_time = System.currentTimeMillis()  // Get current system time (epoch time)
        Mac hmac = Mac.getInstance("HmacSHA256")
        hmac.init(new SecretKeySpec(key.getBytes(), "HmacSHA256"))
        signature = Hex.encodeHexString(hmac.doFinal("GET${epoch_time}${path}".getBytes())).bytes.encodeBase64()
        // return headers to main function
        return ["Authorization": "LMv1 $id:$signature:$epoch_time", "Content-Type": "application/json"]
      } catch (Exception err) {
        // If error occurred, print the error message
        println("ERROR: Unable to establish encryption for $path. Attempting next resource...\n${err.message}")
    def get_response(resource, parameters, account, headers) {
      try {
        boolean proceed = true  // Boolean used to determine if additional pagination is required
        // Map to store query results for each endpoint.  Contains a list to store actual returned values and a boolean to determine if successful
        Map results = ["response": [],
                 "success" : true]
        add_query_parameters(resource, parameters)
        // Add initial offset and size values to appropriate categories (skips metrics category since it's stagnate)
        while (proceed) {
          // Used for paginating through all availabe results.  Grabs 1000 at a time and moves offset if another query is required.
          Map query = query_resource(account, parameters, headers)
          // Query each API endpoint for a response (Should receive as Map)
          // If the response was successful (including status and error messages), proceed to printing results
          if (query && query?.data && query?.status == 200 && query?.errmsg?.toUpperCase() == "OK") {
            if (resource != "metrics") {
              results.response.addAll(   // Add all the data items found to our results map data list
              if (query?.data?.items?.size() < parameters.details.size) {
                // If we received less than 1000 results
                proceed = false   // There is no need to execute another API query with a shifted offset
              } else {    // Otherwise
                parameters.details.offset += parameters.details.size
                // Shift the offset to start 1000 numbers from current position
            } else {
              results.response =   // Add all the data items found to our results map data list
              proceed = false   // We've successfully queried all values.  End while loop
          } else {
            // If response was not successful, print eror message for each category that failed and continue to next endpoint
            // If response error and status can be determined, print them.  Otherwise, use UNKNOWN
            println("ERROR: Failed to query $resource API Endpoint...\n" +
                "${query?.errmsg?.toUpperCase() ?: 'UNKNOWN'} (STATUS: ${query?.status ?: 'UNKNOWN'})")
            results.success = false   // Set success value to false since we failed our API query
            proceed = false   // End while loop because of failure and proceed to next endpoint
        return results  // Return results to main function
      } catch (Exception err) {
        println("ERROR: Script failed while attempting to query $resource API endpoint...\n${err?.message}")
    def add_query_parameters(category, parameters) {
      // Add size and offset field to map (only if collectors or admins category)
      if (category != "metrics") {
        Map query_details = ["size"  : 1000, "offset": 0]
        // If there's already a details key in the details map
        if (parameters.details) {
          parameters.details << query_details
          // Append the query details information to the pre-existing details map
        } else {  // Otherwise, create a details key and assign it the query details map as a value
          parameters.put("details", query_details)
    def query_resource(account, details, headers) {
      try {
        // Configure request url from account, path, and authorization headers
        String url = "https://${account}${details.path}?${pack_parameters(details.details)}"
        // Return query response, converted from JSON to usable map
        return new JsonSlurper().parseText(url.toURL().getText(useCaches: true, allowUserInteraction: false, requestProperties: headers))
      } catch (Exception err) { // If error occurred, print the error message
        println("ERROR: Unable to query ${details.path} for details.\n${err.message}")
    def pack_parameters(query_details) { // If additional query details are located in map, include them in url string
      List pairs = []
      query_details?.each { k, v -> pairs.add("${k}=${v}")}
      return pairs.join("&")


  • >Which audit log are you talking about? If it's the LM audit log, you might consider fetching the audit log via API. 

    I'm not talking about LM audit log. It is my own system audit log. From that I make an access log with login/logout recoirds. The collector monitors it as text log file.

    I think collector scripting is a better way to scan this access log records.

    Could you please let me know if it is feasible ?

  • Yeah, scripting it will be best (unless you can create your access log in json format with the data already calculated and host that on an http microservice). If you go the scripting route, however you want to script grabbing the contents of that file should be fine: ssh, remote-powershell, SMB, http microservice, etc.

    Once you have the log file contents pulled into your script, you'll want to parse through it twice: once to grab the list of users for discovery and once to grab the number of logons per user. I would suggest making a derive datapoint as that will treat the number of logons as a counter. This means that it will take the current count minus the last count and divide by the time between them. You can multiply by ##POLLINTERVAL## to get back to the raw delta.

  • Could you please let me know good tutorial information of Controller scripting ?

  • There's a really good course in the "Training" section of your portal called "Using Groovy in LogicMonitor". Unfortunately, direct linking to a course isn't possible, so you'll have to go search for it yourself. You can go to "All Courses" then filter by "LogicModules" using the checkbox on the left. Should be the last one listed. 

    This is the documentation on doing scripted data collection. However, this will be the last thing you do in your script. The first thing you'll need to do in your script is connect to the remote system from your Collector, fetch the contents of the log file, then parse through the log file to count all the things you want to count. Then you should reference the documentation to output the data in the proper format. Then you'll create the datasource with your script at the heart.