Forum Discussion

Guaro55551's avatar
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29 days ago

CSV Import devices

HI Gurus.

I would like to import a bulk device list , including username and password, can someone that has done this before help me with the format of the csv please, I have tried ip,displayname,properties but the properties is not working properly, its taking the entire properties as a value 

Thanks for any help

  • When creating the CSV files for Netscans, the required headers are as follows


    It may not be immediately clear, but there are only 4 total columns you'll use for these imports and all 4 columns are required. All of the desired properties you want to apply to a given device must exist in that 4th "properties" column. 

    In our netscan documentation here we even have some examples of lines. You'll notice that the properties entries are encased in double quotes with the format of the " prop.two=secondproperty" with each pair being space delimited.  

    IP,displayname,hostgroup,properties,Device from CSV,New Target Group,"
    prop.two=secondproperty",Another Device from CSV,New Target Group,"

    Depending on the spreadsheet editor you're using, you can combine the columns beyond the 4th into that singular column using a CONCATENATE or similar function. For MS Excel they document it here . This will allow you to format that "properties" column with multiple properties and values as well as including the needed double quotes around here.