Forum Discussion

Kelemvor's avatar
Icon for Expert rankExpert
3 months ago

How can I import a bunch of websites?


The documentation just says to import a JSON file, but I don't see anything about how to format said JSON file.  Does anyone have any more information on how I can format a file to import a bunch of Internal URLs?

If anyone from LM sees this, please add an Example file or something to the above pages.  :)

  • I agree sample files, like with the netscan csv would be nice.

    You could add an example website into monitoring, and then export it. You would then have a base file for manual importation.

    Personally I would add a sample, and then use the API to duplicate the object adjust what I need then post a new website through automation.

  • Kelemvor - this is easily scripted.  Please DM me a sample spreadsheet (3 lines would do and the data can be fake) and I'll knock something up for you.