Live Training - Tuning Datapoints and Alerts - 15th JUNE 2022 - APAC
Hi all , Thanks for attending ourLive Training - Tuning Datapoints and Alerts - 15th JUNE 2022 - APAC region . Please view the video recording : Please do complete the feedback form here ; Drive Space Alerts
Windows Drive Space Alerts By default, LogicMonitor alerts on the percentage used on any drive. This in general is fine, but sometimes not. Let’s imagine you have a 2.2 terabytes drive. You might have your critical threshold set at 90%, which sounds fine, until you realise that you are going to get a critical alert when you still have 220 GB free. In my case that would be a cause for some celebration, not really an urgent need to get up at 3 A.M. and delete files so the world doesn’t end. Now Imagine your 2.2TB drive is divided up as: C: 10 GB (OS) D: 500 GB (Mission critical applications) E: 1 TB (Backups) F: 510 GB (Other Applications) A 90% alert will give you a critical at 1GB,50GB,100GB and 51GB respectively. Now the C: drive may be a cause for concern, but the others not so much. The two application drives you might only be concerned if they have less than 4GB free and the backup less than 10GB. So, we decide to alert on the following C: freespace is <1 GB D: freespace is <4 GB E: freespace is <10 GB F: freespace is <4 GB You could clone the datasource so you have four copies one for each drive but this is harder to maintain in the future and does not scale well. It would be better if you could somehow get the drive letter and assign a threshold based on that. Logicmonitor’s scripted complex datapoint using groovy to the rescue. The disks datasource queries the class Win32_Volume. We need to use the raw drive letter output from the WMI class so would write a groovy script like: Drive=output["DRIVELETTER"]; return(Drive); This returns C:,D:,E: and F: Not much use as Logicmonitor doesn’t deal with text, only metrics. Let’s beef up the script. drive = output['DRIVELETTER']; freeSpaceLowerLimitGigabyte = '0'; if (drive == 'C:') {freeSpaceLowerLimitGigabyte = '1';} if (drive == 'D:' || drive == 'F:') {freeSpaceLowerLimitGigabyte = '4';} if (drive == 'E:') {freeSpaceLowerLimitGigabyte = '10';} return freeSpaceLowerLimitGigabyte; This returns 1,4,10 and 4 for each drive, now we have a complex datapoint that returns the lowerlimit in GB for each drive dependant on the drive letter. Again, we can’t alert on this so we need another datapoint So we can use this to check if freespace is less than the freeSpaceLowerLimitGigabyte. To do that create a CapacityAlert datapoint using this expression if ( lt (FreeSpace, FreeSpaceLowerLimitGigabyte * 1024000000) , 1, 0) Which breaks down as if freespace is less than the assigned limit for that drive letter then return 1 (which you alert on.) Otherwise return 0. Alert threshold set at = 1 1 1, and we get critical alerts if: C: freespace is <1 GB D: freespace is <4 GB E: freespace is <10 GB F: freespace is <4 GB143Views0likes11CommentsChanges to the Big Number widget (more flexibility, this is a dashboard!)
A recent change to the Big Number widget has decreased formatting flexibility . It used to be that you could set thresholds to change colors if the number is between certain values and your "All other times" (else) condition could be any color you wanted to match the style of your dashboard. This allowed the flexibility to integrate the Big Number into your existing creative style with the added benefit of "POP" it falls below or between a certain lower threshold. For example, a red or orange number if server uptime is <=5 days, but grey or white text when that condition isn't met. After this recent change, anytime threshold isn't met the number is forced to be a "mild green" color which does NOT integrate well with most of the available Widget Appearance color schemas. Yes you can turn off thresholds and choose any number color you want, but you lose valuable attention-drawing functionality (which I would say is the point of this widget). In general, this really fouls up the asthetics of my client-facing dashboards. Have a look for yourself (attached). Please restore the flexibility (that we had previously) to change the Big Number "All other times" condition to something other than green. I'd suggest using the same color palat you get with the "Text" widget. This allows more visually flexible dashboarding and lets face it, dashboards are meant to be asthetically pleasing. Versatility of color goes a long way in achieving this. I've got a ticket open (99920) related to this suggestion, I encourage others to post comments (agree/disagree) here. Thanks everyone!5Views1like1CommentInstance Thresholds based on day
Current time based instance thresholds allow me to set thresholds based on time only. But what if I have diff set of instance thresholds for weekends. In current set up I can not do that. My use case is I have diff set of instance thresholds e.g. PVS device count weekday morning vs weekend morning & similarly PVS device count weekday evening vs weekend evening.Raising feature request to add feature where one can set diff set of thresholds based on weekday vs weekend.7Views0likes0Comments