Bulk rename/append name of devices
I have opened a support ticket - #94980. I would like to request the ability to group rename or modify the naming of devices. Specifically, I want to add all devices under 'Client A' and append the DNS suffix clientdomain.com to the name of all devices. I would like to do this so that when an engineer is working on Server X, they can see it clearly as ServerX.clientdomain.com. Ticket is to programatically do this vs. manually renaming each device. Support ticket and engineer attempted this using Rest APIs with no luck "As same as at property source, system.displayname is special and cannot be changed through RestAPI as well." Rest of thing we can do now is to submit a feature request to change the current design "propertysource can change auto property only" Thanks WIll66Views2likes9CommentsRename Warnings
It's my guess that since there are posts from several years ago about issues with rename that renaming objects is something, while supported, that will remain a challenge. From what I've read on the forum and observed myself, some of the consequences of a rename of certain objects can result in broken alert rules, broken dashboard objects, and lost historical data at a minimum depending on what you rename. I understand it may be a difficult engineering challenge to cascade a rename to automatically rebuild all rules, for example. So, instead of this would it be possible as a stop-gap solution (ideally would still love to have automation here) that you provide a pop-up warning for rename of different object classes. I would think you do know the potential consequences for renaming different object types and could call those out as a unique and specific warning for each object type. Of course, if the same warning applies to any object type a single message on any rename... but this way it's clearly documented and acknowledged by the user what we are asking for if/when we rename something. At this moment I still don't know what all the potential things are that can break on a rename. I'd think this is something that can be done very quickly also. Thanks.0Views0likes0Comments