History of LogicModule version changes
I was wondering if there is a way to get the history of specific module version changes? I updated few modules but it looks like I have to revert some of them back for now. I am not sure if I have to go back 1 or 2 updates back. Local History under the module doesn't point to specific version in the past. Is there a way for me to get this information?11Views0likes2CommentsVolume Capacity- Drive is missing
Some servers are not monitoring J Drives anymore. There is J Drive in Physical Disks but not in Volume Capacity. In Audit Logs there is information about new instances being found and some instances disappeared from host but there's no explanation why. Drive exists on the host. I attached screenshot. In Global Definition I run Active Discovery on WinVolumeUsage and there were discovered Drives except the J Drive. Also, received a Active Discovery- 3 instances being filtered out- I attached screenshot. Were there any recent changes in Logic Monitor? I didn't update any modules so that is not a cause.63Views6likes8CommentsLM Production Settings and configuration to be import and export from Prod to Dev ?
Is there a way in Logic monitor to configure or transfer the settings and configuration available from production to Dev(Sandbox) Basically the Dev should be the replica of production but limited for testing ? We have got a new LM sandbox(DEV), we want to configure the settings groups, Custom properties and other configuration which is configured in production to be configure in sandbox(Dev) as well ? What is the best way to do this process? is there any import export option available ?48Views4likes4CommentsSQL Server Ping critical alert shows up and clears
I have a SQL Server Listener (part of AG). It has Ping critical alert showing up and clearing. It is happening every 20 or 30 minutes. I attach the screenshot. It clears and it's good for a while and then it comes back again. Would this indicate the network issues? Another example of Ping on different Listener is that is shows Warning for Ping and also shows up and clears multiple times a day.80Views4likes6CommentsPowerShell Datasource with NonAdmin Collector
Hey can some maybe explain to me what i'm doing wrong. We recently change all our Collector to Non-Admins. We have the Windows Certificates Datasource in place and if i understand correct the Datasource uses PowerShell to trigger Invoke Command from Collector to get Data from Target. I took this PS Template to to build my own Test Datasource. When i test the script against a targetserver i get this message. (I also get the Values from Target Server in stdOutput) Changing ExecutionPolicy on Collector for LocalMachine to Unrestricted didnt change anything Set-ExecutionPolicy : Access to the registry key 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\PowerShell\1\ShellIds\Microsoft.PowerShell' is denied. To change the execution policy for the default (LocalMachine) scope, start Windows PowerShell with the "Run as administrator" option. To change the execution policy for the current user, run "Set-ExecutionPolicy -Scope CurrentUser". At line:1 char:1 + Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned + ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ + CategoryInfo : PermissionDenied: (:) [Set-ExecutionPolicy], UnauthorizedAccessException + FullyQualifiedErrorId : System.UnauthorizedAccessException,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.SetExecutionPolicyComma nd What i dont understand is why my Datasource is running into this Error while the WinCert Datasource isnt eventhough they use the same Invoke Commands. I do have diffrent commands in the script block but this should make any diffrence.73Views2likes4CommentsWindows ProcessMonitoring
Hello, Stuart_Weenig https://github.com/sweenig/lm/blob/main/ProcessMonitoring/Win_Process_Stats_Groovy/Win_Process_Stats_Groovy.xml Are you not seeing huge RAW numbers for ProcessCPUPercent. You are using the following formula <postprocessorparam>PercentProcessorTime/10000000*100</postprocessorparam> Is that sufficient? Cause we are not factoring CPU logical cores etc. to get a meaningful percentage. Basically I am facing an issue which is described very well here in this post, but none of the solutions worked to get a meaningful percentage. https://stackoverflow.com/questions/11523150/how-do-you-monitor-the-cpu-utilization-of-a-process-using-powershell Need your suggestion as in how you are handing these values in dashboards, because table widgets are not showing these value as they populate under Raw data. See how in a table widget it does not show decimal but in Raw data it does. Looking forward to hear from you. Thanks, AshishSolved59Views3likes7CommentsNo Data in Raw Data tab
SQL Server Global Performance --> MSSQLSERVER: Raw Data: No Data Also, SQL Server Databases --> MSSQLSERVER - Databases are discovered but not all data is picked up in Raw Data tab- there is still No Data for some columns. Seems like all the permissions are correct. Checked all the configurations.99Views3likes15CommentsCorrectly adding one-time SDT via API?
So I'm trying to add a one-time device sdt in Postman.. I get getting an error return of: endDateTime should be a future time I've tried incrementing the end time value by 100ms, by a few thousand then lastly I jumped probably a year ahead, nothing works. Here is the payload: { "type": "DeviceSDT", "sdtType": "1", "comment": "test sdt from Postman", "deviceDisplayName": "host1.domain.net", "startDateTime": "1714753638", "endDateTime": "1724755900" } The example payloads, while is in a Python script, are the same as mine, I just don't get it.Solved31Views0likes2CommentsLinux collectors for Windows servers
A year or so ago there was talk of a Linux based collector in testing that could monitor Windows servers too, is this still planned? We would like to have a minimum number of Windows servers but as long as we have any number of Windows servers, we will always need to also have Windows based Collectors.96Views0likes5Comments