Make Instance Groups searchable/filterable
Hello, We'd like to request some more usage for instance groups. Right now, it's just not very useful to group instances on a datasource. We have shared devices with datasources belonging to different teams and we have to create dashboards and alarm rules regarding those. Right now, we have to use the wildcard filter in a "creative" way to have shared devicealerts and dashboards from different teams configured. It would be really helpful if the instance-group namecould be used in Filters. Use-Case: * To configure alert rules for shared devices for different teams, we can group all datasource-instances in instance groups named "teamname" and then filter on "teamname", this works even when we use "*" for device/devicegroup, as long as instancegroup "teamname" is persistent over multiple shared devices. * To have dashboards for shared devices on a per-team base, we can filter for the teamname when creating those dashboards. This also works with "*" as device/devicegroup query, so instances on new devices will be added automatically. Regards, Bastian8Views3likes2Comments