Potential 187 UI bug
I tried to report this via Engineer chat, but no response. We have 187 early access. Looks like there may be a critical UI bug relating to the new Instance Group functionality… If you select an instance and then the Instance Group, the UI does NOT update to show the overview graphs etc. Please ping me via email to review the issue in our early access portal on a Zoom meeting.72Views3likes3CommentsMake Instance Groups searchable/filterable
Hello, We'd like to request some more usage for instance groups. Right now, it's just not very useful to group instances on a datasource. We have shared devices with datasources belonging to different teams and we have to create dashboards and alarm rules regarding those. Right now, we have to use the wildcard filter in a "creative" way to have shared device alerts and dashboards from different teams configured. It would be really helpful if the instance-group name could be used in Filters. Use-Case: * To configure alert rules for shared devices for different teams, we can group all datasource-instances in instance groups named "teamname" and then filter on "teamname", this works even when we use "*" for device/devicegroup, as long as instancegroup "teamname" is persistent over multiple shared devices. * To have dashboards for shared devices on a per-team base, we can filter for the teamname when creating those dashboards. This also works with "*" as device/devicegroup query, so instances on new devices will be added automatically. Regards, Bastian17Views3likes2Comments