use globs to limit Alert rules to specific instance groups
We have a datasource (in this case a ESX host) that has several ESX Virtual Machines in it. We have painfully separate the the instances of VM's into two different instance groups 'dev' and 'prod' this allows us to easily disable alerting for an instance group. But what we really want to do is set up two different alerting schemes. For any alert coming from the 'prod' instance group I want to blast out emails and escalate, while for all alerts from the dev instance simply displaying them in logicMonitor is enough. I have looked at the pages on using globs for groups, but that appears to only work from groups, I would have been unable to uses the same logic to apply an alert rule to just a single instance group. With out this, I wonder what the point of instance groups are.. Why would I want to group my instances into groups if I can't act on those groups independently? Visual Example: Device: vSphere Group: Data Center 1 ESX Virtual Machine: Instance Group: Prod VM: A VM: B Instance Group: Dev VM: X VM: Y VM: Z5Views2likes3Comments