Scripted Alert Thresholds
It should be possible to groovyscript Alert Thresholds, based on (for example) ILPs and hostProperties. I need to modify the SNMP_Network_Interfaces to vary the InDiscardPercent threshold depending on whether this is a radioMAC interface type and whether it is a given customer. Something along the lines of: def isRadio = instanceProps.get('auto.interface.type') == 'radioMAC'; def customerCode = hostProps.get('customer.code'); if(isRadio && customerCode == 'ACME') { // No threshold return ''; } // The default return '> 10';Solved261Views17likes26CommentsLogicModule development: script editor line numbers
Great news! LogicMonitor is finally adding line numbers to the groovyscript editor. Only joking. It’s STILL rubbish and there are no plans to fix it. When pairing LogicModule development I STILL have to say “up about 6 lines”, “no not that line” and “down a bit” every few seconds.Solved130Views14likes11CommentsComplex Groovy DataPoint access to Script/Batchscript output
I need access to Script/Batchscript output in a Complex Groovy DataPoint. This is a rather fundamental omission. It should be trivial to permit the output[“datapoint”] approach supported for other collection types. Make it so!Solved183Views5likes8Comments