I feel foolish in asking this however I need to this get off my plate. I've been asked to setup a monitor that alerts windows systems that have been up for more than 28days. I thought that I could clone the "WinSystemUptime" DataSource, which will report if a system has been rebooted and modify it to report not that a system has been rebooted but the system has not been rebooted. Any help would be appreciated5Views0likes3Comments[REST API] Filtering on "updatedOn" using the ">" operator returns 400 - Bad Request
Hello! We are trying to filter results based on the "updatedOn" property using the ">" operator. However, the request status will always return a 400 - Bad Request. We have used other operators that are successful, such as "!~" Example of a successful call (200 - OK):!~1504905976 Example of a unsuccessful call (400 - Bad Request):>1504905976 Am I doing anything wrong? Is this filter possible?3Views0likes8Comments