ContributionsMost RecentMost LikesSolutionsRe: COVID-19 3 minutes ago, Stuart Weenig said: FYI, i've started a github repo with my personal datasources, including the groovy version of this one: Feel free to grab anything from there. My hero! Thanks again for all the hard work! Re: COVID-19 1 minute ago, Stuart Weenig said: Just had a realization. If you aren't interested in all states, you could apply a discovery filter to only include those states where your company has offices. That is a good point. I found a little bug too. the API is returning "Colorado " with a space at the end which was returning NaN in the script. I did a ghetto little workaround. Its not pretty but it works. lol if($wildvalue -eq "Colorado"){ $Case = ($Data | Where-Object State -eq "Colorado ").case $Death = ($Data | Where-Object State -eq "Colorado ").death Write-Host Cases=$Case Write-Host Deaths=$Death }else{ $Data = $Return | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Content | ConvertFrom-Json $Case = ($Data | Where-Object State -eq $wildvalue).case $Death = ($Data | Where-Object State -eq $wildvalue).death Write-Host Cases=$Case Write-Host Deaths=$Death } Re: COVID-19 9 minutes ago, Stuart Weenig said: Took me a minute to notice that this requires a Windows collector since it's powershell. With your permission, I may rewrite the scripts to groovy so they can run on either Windows or Linux. Have at it, @Stuart Weenig! Re: COVID-19 XML; <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <feed version="1.0" hasPendingRequests="false" > <company></company> <status>200</status> <errmsg>OK</errmsg> <interval>0</interval> <entry type="predatasource"> <version>1584963910</version> <name>Finnhub.io_COVID_19-</name> <displayedas>COVID 19</displayedas> <description>Gathers statistics about COVID-19</description> <collector>script</collector> <hasMultiInstances>true</hasMultiInstances> <schedule>60</schedule> <appliesTo>finnhub.api.key</appliesTo> <wildcardauto>true</wildcardauto> <wildcardpersist>true</wildcardpersist> <wildcardlinuxscript>ad_script</wildcardlinuxscript> <wildcardlinuxcmdline>type="powerShell" </wildcardlinuxcmdline> <wildcardwinscript>ad_script</wildcardwinscript> <wildcardwincmdline>type="powerShell" </wildcardwincmdline> <wildcardgroovyscript># API key from $Key = "##finnhub.api.key##" $Uri = "$Key" $Data = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $Uri -Method Get -UseBasicParsing | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Content | ConvertFrom-Json # Loop through each location and get the location names. foreach ($instance in $Data) { $Location = $instance.State Write-Host "$Location##$Location" } # Exit PowerShell Script to ensure now active sessions are left open. Exit 0;</wildcardgroovyscript> <wildcardschedule>0</wildcardschedule> <wildcarddisable>false</wildcarddisable> <wildcarddeleteinactive>true</wildcarddeleteinactive> <agdmethod>none</agdmethod> <agdparams></agdparams> <group></group> <tags></tags> <technology>Created by Matt Kerfoot Must have an API key for The API key must be saved as a new custom property under the device you want to run this datasource on called, "finnhub.api.key" with the value being the API Key.</technology> <adlist><![CDATA[{"agdmethod":"none","method":"ad_script","agdparams":"","id":0,"filters":[],"params":{"type":"powerShell","groovyscript":"# API key from\r\n$Key = \"##finnhub.api.key##\"\r\n\r\n$Uri = \"$Key\"\r\n$Data = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $Uri -Method Get -UseBasicParsing | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Content | ConvertFrom-Json\r\n\r\n\r\n# Loop through each location and get the location names.\r\nforeach ($instance in $Data) {\r\n $Location = $instance.State\r\n Write-Host \"$Location##$Location\"\r\n}\r\n\r\n# Exit PowerShell Script to ensure now active sessions are left open.\r\nExit 0;"}}]]></adlist> <schemaVersion>2</schemaVersion> <dataSourceType>1</dataSourceType> <attributes> <attribute> <name>scripttype</name> <value>powerShell</value> <comment></comment> </attribute> <attribute> <name>scriptgroovy</name> <value># Required ASI Key from $Key = "##finnhub.api.key##" # Wildvalue will such in each Location from the Active Discovery Script. $wildvalue = "##WILDVALUE##" # Retrieve Covid 19 data per each location. $Data = Invoke-WebRequest -Method Get -Uri "$Key" -UseBasicParsing | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Content | ConvertFrom-Json # Puts Case and Death counts in variables to be written to LogicMonitor. $Case = ($Data | Where-Object State -eq $wildvalue).case $Death = ($Data | Where-Object State -eq $wildvalue).death # Writes the Case and Death counts to LogicMonitor. Write-Host Cases=$Case Write-Host Deaths=$Death # Exit PowerShell Script to ensure now active sessions are left open. Exit 0;</value> <comment></comment> </attribute> <attribute> <name>windowsscript</name> <value></value> <comment></comment> </attribute> <attribute> <name>linuxscript</name> <value></value> <comment></comment> </attribute> <attribute> <name>windowscmdline</name> <value></value> <comment></comment> </attribute> <attribute> <name>linuxcmdline</name> <value></value> <comment></comment> </attribute> </attributes> <datapoints> <datapoint> <name>Deaths</name> <dataType>7</dataType> <type>2</type> <postprocessormethod>namevalue</postprocessormethod> <postprocessorparam>Deaths</postprocessorparam> <usevalue>output</usevalue> <alertexpr></alertexpr> <alertmissing>1</alertmissing> <alertsubject></alertsubject> <alertbody></alertbody> <enableanomalyalertsuppression></enableanomalyalertsuppression> <description>Number of Deaths</description> <maxvalue></maxvalue> <minvalue></minvalue> <userparam1></userparam1> <userparam2></userparam2> <userparam3></userparam3> <iscomposite>false</iscomposite> <rpn></rpn> <alertTransitionIval>0</alertTransitionIval> <alertClearTransitionIval>0</alertClearTransitionIval> </datapoint> <datapoint> <name>Cases</name> <dataType>7</dataType> <type>2</type> <postprocessormethod>namevalue</postprocessormethod> <postprocessorparam>Cases</postprocessorparam> <usevalue>output</usevalue> <alertexpr></alertexpr> <alertmissing>1</alertmissing> <alertsubject></alertsubject> <alertbody></alertbody> <enableanomalyalertsuppression></enableanomalyalertsuppression> <description>Number of Covid 19 cases</description> <maxvalue></maxvalue> <minvalue></minvalue> <userparam1></userparam1> <userparam2></userparam2> <userparam3></userparam3> <iscomposite>false</iscomposite> <rpn></rpn> <alertTransitionIval>0</alertTransitionIval> <alertClearTransitionIval>0</alertClearTransitionIval> </datapoint> </datapoints> <graphs> <graph> <name>Cases</name> <title>Cases</title> <verticallabel>Number of Cases</verticallabel> <rigid>false</rigid> <maxvalue>NaN</maxvalue> <minvalue>0.0</minvalue> <displayprio>1</displayprio> <timescale>1day</timescale> <base1024>false</base1024> <graphdatapoints> <graphdatapoint> <name>Cases</name> <datapointname>Cases</datapointname> <cf>1</cf> </graphdatapoint> </graphdatapoints> <graphvirtualdatapoints> </graphvirtualdatapoints> <graphdatas> <graphdata> <type>2</type> <legend>Cases</legend> <color>silver</color> <datapointname>Cases</datapointname> <isvirtualdatapoint>false</isvirtualdatapoint> </graphdata> </graphdatas> </graph> <graph> <name>Deaths</name> <title>Deaths</title> <verticallabel>Number of Deaths</verticallabel> <rigid>false</rigid> <maxvalue>NaN</maxvalue> <minvalue>0.0</minvalue> <displayprio>2</displayprio> <timescale>1day</timescale> <base1024>false</base1024> <graphdatapoints> <graphdatapoint> <name>Deaths</name> <datapointname>Deaths</datapointname> <cf>1</cf> </graphdatapoint> </graphdatapoints> <graphvirtualdatapoints> </graphvirtualdatapoints> <graphdatas> <graphdata> <type>1</type> <legend>Deaths</legend> <color>red</color> <datapointname>Deaths</datapointname> <isvirtualdatapoint>false</isvirtualdatapoint> </graphdata> </graphdatas> </graph> </graphs> <overviewgraphs> <overviewgraph> <name>Cases Per Location</name> <title>Cases Per Location</title> <verticallabel>Number of cases</verticallabel> <rigid>false</rigid> <maxvalue>NaN</maxvalue> <minvalue>0.0</minvalue> <displayprio>1</displayprio> <timescale>1day</timescale> <base1024>false</base1024> <aggregated>false</aggregated> <datapoints> <overviewgraphdatapoint> <name>Cases</name> <datapointname>Cases</datapointname> <cf>1</cf> <aggregateMethod>average</aggregateMethod> </overviewgraphdatapoint> </datapoints> <virtualdatapoints> </virtualdatapoints> <lines> <overviewgraphline> <type>2</type> <legend>##INSTANCE##</legend> <datapointname>Cases</datapointname> <isvirtualdatapoint>false</isvirtualdatapoint> <color>silver</color> </overviewgraphline> </lines> </overviewgraph> <overviewgraph> <name>Deaths Per Location</name> <title>Deaths Per Location</title> <verticallabel>Number of Deaths</verticallabel> <rigid>false</rigid> <maxvalue>NaN</maxvalue> <minvalue>0.0</minvalue> <displayprio>1</displayprio> <timescale>1day</timescale> <base1024>false</base1024> <aggregated>false</aggregated> <datapoints> <overviewgraphdatapoint> <name>Deaths</name> <datapointname>Deaths</datapointname> <cf>1</cf> <aggregateMethod>average</aggregateMethod> </overviewgraphdatapoint> </datapoints> <virtualdatapoints> </virtualdatapoints> <lines> <overviewgraphline> <type>2</type> <legend>##INSTANCE##</legend> <datapointname>Deaths</datapointname> <isvirtualdatapoint>false</isvirtualdatapoint> <color>silver</color> </overviewgraphline> </lines> </overviewgraph> </overviewgraphs> <scripts> </scripts> </entry> </feed> COVID-19 Hey all, I built out a datasource to monitor the COVID-19 cases and deaths per state. An API key from is required to run this DataSource. The API key must be saved as a custom property on the device you want this DataSource applied to. The Custom Propery name needs to be "finhubb.api.key" with the value being the API key. offers a free API key teir that allows 60 queries a minute. Locator Code: M9WGM3 Re: PropertySource - Certificate Information I'm getting the following error; LogicModule is Private, Cannot Read Re: Sharing Dashboard views @Mosh Any chance you could make some thorough directions on how to replicate your custom google apps dashboard? I am very interested in making something like this but don't even know where to begin. show next dashboard after: x seconds It would be pretty cool if we had the option to show dashboard one for 30 seconds and then show dashboard two for 15 seconds and then dashboard three for 15 seconds. Alert Colors I have a client that would really like to have one different color alerts. Depending on the display that is being used it can be very hard to dictate if it is an error or a critical level alert by the color. The orange alert just looks to similar to critical and end-users that do not use the platform every day cannot tell the difference. Either allowing the colors to be customer set per portal or a change set for all portals would be nice. Re: Windows Drive Space Alerts @Mosh @David Lee Has this been datasource been published by chance?
Top ContributionsPublic IP Property SourceRe: PropertySource - Installed Windows Server FeaturesDownload SpeedRDP SessionsRe: DHCP Pool Percent In Useshow next dashboard after: x secondsRe: PropertySource - Installed Windows Server FeaturesRe: COVID-19Re: COVID-19Re: COVID-19